
Thursday 31 January 2013

Valentine's Day

Many students like to bring Valentine cards for their classmates. 
If your child is planning to bring cards, please follow these instructions to make the handing out of the cards as easy as possible for us:

 1.  The easiest thing to do is to have your child just sign the cards, i.e., from (your child’s name), 
 2.  If you do choose to personalize each card, please make sure to include the  number  (see the list below)  beside each person’s name:

  1.  Arvin          2.  Ishaan          3.  Zeev             4.  Jacob       
  5.  Samik         6.  Liron            7.  Alan              8. Jaxon       
  9.  Andrew     10.  Katie S.      11. Daniel         12.  Matthew    
 13.  Emma      14.  David         15.  Katie W.     16. Jonah  17.  Nathan       18.  Neta          19. Etai             20.  Gabriella
 21.  Ryan         22.  Ava            23.  Julia           24.  Evan      

 25.  Joshua      26.  Bianca       27.  Chloe         28.  Aiden     
  29.  Mrs. B.     30.  Mrs. Mateo    31.  Ms. G.

We will hand out the cards on
Thursday, February 14, 2013.

Monday 28 January 2013

News & Reminders for Week of January 28, 2013

Hello everyone!  We hope you all had a safe day moving about in the snowy/rainy weather today!

This coming Friday, February 1st is a
P.A. Day, and there will be no school for students.  Please have your child return his/her library book on Thursday this week.

We have made a change to our gym schedule.  Starting next week, we will be going to the gym on Friday mornings instead of Monday afternoons.  We're excited because this means we will not have to share the gym space with another class so we'll have a lot more room to move about!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 ... your child's First Term Report will be sent home.  Please look for it in your child's plastic communication bag.


Thursday 24 January 2013

Math Workshop for Parents

Nellie McClung PS Presents
Parent Engagement Workshop K-6
Learning Math – Just like them!  Math Made Fun at Home with a Family Math Kit

Date: Tuesday, February 5th, 2013
This workshop is for parents only. 
(Babysitting is available but space is limited.)
 R.S.V.P.:  Please call the school at (905) 303-8113 
 by January 30th
 if you are planning to attend the workshop.
Please leave the following information when you call to reserve a spot for yourself at the workshop:
1. Family Name 
2. The name of your child's teachers
3. The number of adults attending     
4. If you are interested in purchasing a $25.00 
Family Math Kit.  Puchases can  be made by Visa, Mastercard or cash on Feb. 5th.
5. Name(s) and age(s) of student(s)  that will be attending the babysitting
    (space is limited).
Math is full of patterns and is fun when we can see it represented in different ways. Join Caroline Rosenbloom as we take a closer look at how you can help your child with math at home using tools your children use at school.  We will explore the use of a Family Math Kit that includes tools to help make math easier to understand.  Learn ways to use guiding questions to help develop a deeper understanding of mathematics.  The Family Math Kit will also be available to purchase for $25.00.

Caroline Rosenbloom is currently teaching mathematics at OISE/University of Toronto.   She has worked as a classroom teacher, as a Mathematics Instructional Leader in the Toronto District School Board and Grade 6 Education Officer at EQAO.  Caroline is co-author of Investigating Mathematics Using Polydron and currently writes a column for the Ontario Mathematics Gazette.

Please RSVP to the school by Wed. Jan. 30th.
Call (905)303-8113 to reserve your spot!



Wednesday 23 January 2013

A Gift for Our Class

This week, the Kindergarten classes in our school each received a beautiful gift basket from Isaac, a young boy in our school neighbourhood.  Isaac apparently wanted to make a donation to other young children, and our school was one of the lucky recipients.

Here are some photos that show what we received, and the thank you letter we wrote to Isaac:


Monday 14 January 2013

Updates for Week of Jan. 14, 2013

On Tuesday, Jan. 15, we will be having our hair checked for lice.  There is no current concern in our class.  This is one of our school-wide hair checks.

Library Book Exchange:  We will be going to the library on Wednesday this week since Friday, January 18th is a P.A. Day.  Please have your child return his/her library book on Wednesday.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Happy New Year!

We would like to take this opportunity
to wish everyone a Happy New Year! 
We hope you all had a good winter break and
a happy and healthy start to the new year!
With the start of the new year, we have our new lunch programmes starting this week:    
Mondays & Fridays....'Lunch Lady'  lunches (an order form for February
was sent home today)
Tuesdays...'Mr.Sub' lunches
Wednesdays...Pizza lunches
Wednesdays & Thursdays...milk  

Winter Weather & Outdoor Play
The Kindergarten classes go outside to play, weather permitting, each day, and we love playing in the snow. 
But it is not much fun to play if you're not dressed for the weather.  Please make sure your child is dressed for winter weather including:  boots, snowpants, hat, and mittens.