
Friday 15 February 2013

Borrow-a-Book Book Bags

We hope you all had a happy Valentine's Day yesterday.  We enjoyed ourselves at school, and we are still enjoying reading our Valentine cards!

We're sorry, but we were not able to send home the Borrow-a-Book Book Bags this week.  We will send them home next Wednesday. 

Please check the blog again later this weekend.  We will be posting the lyrics to the songs we will be singing at the 'Kindergarten Breakfast with the Arts' concert on Friday, Feb. 22nd.  We would appreciate it if you have your child practise the songs at home, too.  (If you have any questions/concerns, please contact us directly or make a comment on the blog.)

Have a great long weekend, and we hope you enjoy Family Day together! 


Tuesday 12 February 2013

Long Weekend Coming Up!

Just some friendly reminders...

1.  Friday, February 15th is a PA Day, and
     Monday, February 18th is Family Day.

2.  Please have your child return his/her library book on Wednesday, February 13th this week.

3.   Valentine Cards...if your child will be handing out Valentine cards, please send them to school by Thursday, Feb. 14th.  (Please read earlier posting re. Valentine Cards for more information.)

Monday 11 February 2013

Toronto Orchestra of Chinese String Instruments

Happy Lunar New Year!

This morning, we celebrated the Lunar New Year by watching a performance from the Toronto Orchestra of Chinese String Instruments.  The four musicians played woodwind, string and percussion instruments for us, and some of us even got to go up and touch and play some of the instruments.
We hope you enjoy the video clips from this morning's performance for the Kindergarten classes.  [Please excuse the poor quality of the videotaping.  The cameraperson needs more training. :)]

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Mark Your Calendar...

Dear Parents/Guardians,

You are invited to come and join us
 for what is sure to be
a delightful morning of entertainment!
Our Kindergarten Class
will be performing on
Friday, February 22, 2013
in the school gym.
The assembly will be starting at 9:30 a.m. and will probably last about one hour.
Please look for more information to be sent to you soon via E-mail from the school about the Kindergarten Concerts.
We hope that you will be able to join us! 
Please note, other family members
are also invited.

Monday 4 February 2013

Lunar New Year Presentation at Nellie McClung Public School


February 10, 2013 is the Lunar New Year, and it is a very important day for many people all over the world.  This day marks the beginning of a new year for many people of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Mongolian ancestary.

On Monday, February 11th, we will be having special performances at our school to mark the Lunar New Year.  Members of the Toronto Orchestra of Chinese String Instruments will be performing for us. The Kindergarten classes will attend the first performance in the morning at 9:20.  A big thank you to Ms. Lam for making the arrangements for these performances.

This may be one of the traditional Chinese string instruments that we may see and hear at the performance.