
Tuesday 17 December 2013

What's Cooking in Room 110?

'Run, run, as fast as you can. 
You can't catch me.
I'm the gingerbread man!'

For the last couple of weeks, we have been reading different versions of the gingerbread man fairy tale.  We have read 9 different books, and we have been comparing the various stories.  We have also worked on retelling and writing our own version of the story.

All this reading about gingerbread cookies made us hungry, so we decided to make our own gingerbread cookies.  (Most children in our class took their cookies home last Friday.)  Here is the class' group writing about our baking:

Making Gingerbread Cookies
Yesterday, we made gingerbread dough to make gingerbread cookies!  The dough smelled good, and it tasted scrumptious. 
Today we rolled out the dough and cut out gingerbread boys and girls using cookie cutters.  Ms.G. and Mrs. M. baked the cookies in the oven.  Ms. G. and Mrs. M. also made a big gingerbread man for the class to eat.
In the afternoon, we decorated our gingerbread cookies.  But when Mrs. M. went to get the big gingerbread man cookie, he was gone!  Instead we found some crumbs and notes.  The gingerbread man wanted to explore the school, but he got lost.
We finally found him in our 'Gingerbread Bakery and Cafe'.  Ms. G. decorated him, and snip-snap, we ate him up!  What a yummy way to end the week!
Here is the recipe in case you would like to make some cookies at home, too, but be careful, gingerbread boys and girls like to run away!: 
Dairy, Egg & Nut-Free Gingerbread Cookies
1/2 cup of dairy-free margarine (like Becel Vegan)
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup molasses
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
3 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
Combine the margarine, sugar, molasses and applesauce.
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and salt.
Combine the wet and dry ingredients and mix.  Work the dough until it forms a ball.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap, and chill the dough for 30 minutes to 1 hour.  (The dough will also keep well in the fridge for a few days.)
Preheat oven to 350F.
Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
Roll out dough to approximately 1/4 inch thickness.
Cut out shapes with cookie cutters and place on a baking sheet.
Bake for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned.
Let cool.
You can decorate the cookies once they have cooled.  We used icing, gum drops, chopped apricots, raisins and sprinkles.


Monday 16 December 2013

'Warm Thoughts on a Wintery Day' - Our Kindergarten Concert

Just a friendly reminder...
This coming Wednesday morning, the Kindergarten classes at Nellie McClung will be performing in a concert.  
Refreshments will be available for our guests.  (All the baked goods will be made by the Kindergarten classes.  Our class is making dairy-free and egg-free gingerbread cookies.)
Please have your child enter school as usual on Wednesday morning.  We will take attendance and make our way to the gym.  Our class will be the first performer, and the concert should be starting by 9:30 a.m.  Parents and other guests are welcome to find a seat in the gym starting around 9:00 a.m. 
We hope to see you Wednesday morning!
(Sorry that I have not written any blog entries that last couple of weeks.  I was having internet connection problems.  Thank you for your patience!)