
Monday 17 February 2014

Family Day and Other Recent Events

We hope you and your family are enjoying the long weekend and are able to spend some time together having fun.

Valentine's Day

We had fun on Friday exchanging Valentine cards. The children delivered their cards to their classmates' Valentine bags.  It was a good opportunity for the children to practise reading names and numbers.  
In the afternoon, most children chose to spend some time looking at their cards.  It was interesting to see and hear how some children were sorting their cards and treats.  Everyone did a great job of resisting the temptation to eat any of their treats at school.

First Term Reports  

Our first term reports were sent home on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, and we hope you have had a chance to read the report by now.  Parents and students are asked to complete page 2 together and return it to school in the envelope as soon as possible.

'Achievement Scale' and Senior Kindergarten Reports: 
Parents of SK students will have noticed that in addition to the anecdotal comments, your children have also received ratings in the various literacy and mathematics curriculum strands.  The ratings range from Beginning to Extending.  
According to the our Full Day Curriculum Document,
"... reporting must always indicate the child's growth and achievement in relation to the learning expectations for the end of the Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten program."
(page 32)
Sometimes a child will receive a rating of 'Approaching' because we have not covered all the curriculum expectations, yet.  The anecdotal comments will, hopefully, give a clearer indication of how your child is progressing.

If you have any questions about your child's report, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Saturday 1 February 2014

A Friendly Reminder re. School Entry

Starting Monday, February 3, 2014, all school doors will be locked 15 minutes  after the bell rings.  In order to enter the school, you will need to call into the school using the buzzer by the front doors of the school.

For more information, please see the January Newsletter on the school website:

Happy Lunar New Year!

To all our families who celebrate 
the Lunar New Year,
we send you wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!