
Thursday 20 March 2014

Trip to Kortright Centre

Just a friendly reminder...
Consent forms and payment for our trip to the Kortright Centre are due to tomorrow, Friday, March 21, 2014.

Also, our class is need of parent/caregiver volunteers for the trip.  If you are able, please consider coming on our trip with us on Thursday, March 27th.  If you have already returned your child's consent form and you are able to help, please contact us.  We would appreciate the help!

Happy First Day of Spring!

We extend our best wishes to all the families who are celebrating Naw Ruz!  Wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year!

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Happy March Break

Sending you all happy March Break wishes!
We hope you are enjoying the week so far, and hopefully the spring-like weather will return soon!

Mark Your Calendars...

On Thursday, March 27th, we'll be going to the Kortright Conservation Centre to learn how maple syrup is made.
Unfortunately, we didn't send the trip consent form home to you before March Break.  We will send it home on Monday, March 17th.  Please look for it in your child's plastic communication bag.

The cost of the trip will be $14 for each student.  The cost of the trip for parent/adult volunteers is $4.  We would love to have as many volunteers as possible on our trip, and we hope you will be able to join us.  Please remember that adult volunteers also need to submit a police check to the school.