
Friday 30 May 2014

Chick News from Room 110

This past month, we have been taking care of 12 chicken eggs.  The eggs have been in an incubator for about 3 weeks.  Yesterday, we saw that 3 of the eggs were beginning to hatch.  When we got to school this morning, we heard some chirping, and we found 3 fluffy chicks in the incubator!  Later in the day, another egg began to hatch, and we were able to record it.  We hope you enjoy the video of the arrival of our 4th chick:

Thursday 29 May 2014

Springtime is Finally Here!

It has been a while since we last wrote, and as you can imagine, a lot has happened!

As you know, we went to the Kortright Centre in March to celebrate the beginning of spring and to learn how maple syrup is made.  Despite the non-spring-like weather that day, we enjoyed ourselves.
Learning how to identify maple trees when there are no leaves
That's a lot of sap!

Enjoying a tasty treat!
Back at school, we celebrated the end of our dinosaur study by having pancakes with maple syrup.  We have a number of students who enjoy cooking, and they did a great job making the pancakes!

Every celebration deserves a crown!

Ruth Ohi Visits Nellie McClung Public School!

Ruth Ohi

In April, we had a visit from the author and illustrator, Ruth Ohi.   Ms. Ohi spent an hour with the Kindergarten classes, and she told us how she writes and illustrates her books.  We left with a better understanding of the writing process, and many students were inspired to write their own books!
Here are some the books that Ms Ohi has written and illustrated.