
Monday 23 June 2014

Last Week of School...

It's hard to believe, but the end of the school year is near!  Just a few more days are left this week.  We are busy gathering up papers and sorting items to send home in the next couple of days.  It is fun for us to look back and think about how much the children have grown and changed over the past year.  We hope you have also seen the growth in your child's academic and social skills.  Term 2 Reports will be sent home on Wednesday.  Please look for the report in your child's plastic communication bag.  

It was great to see so many of our families at the Kindergarten Picnic last week.  Our annual picnic has become a nice way to celebrate the end of our school year.  We like to tell the children that they are sort of like the balloon we release at the end of the picnic. They are ready to fly away to Senior Kindergarten and Grade 1 now!

Hip, hip hurray!  We're on our way!

Just a few reminders for this week...

1.  Please remember that Tuesday Sub Lunches and Wednesday Pizza Lunches ended last week.  

2.  Please return all library books to school.  Your family will be asked to pay for any lost or damaged books.

3.  If your family will be moving over the summer break, please inform the school office as soon as possible.  You may also send us a note, and we will pass it on to the office.

4.  The last day of school is Thursday, June 26th, and it will end at 12:10 p.m. for students.  The remainder of the day will be a PA Day for staff.

Monday 16 June 2014

A Few Important Dates...

This week we have a couple of fun events at our school:
  1.  Wednesday, June 18th, morning (9:10 - 10:30)         Kindergarten End of Year Celebration Picnic 
      (If it is raining, the picnic will be held on Monday, 
       June 23rd, same time)
       Bring a blanket/towel and a snack/breakfast and join us on the field.  Look for our class sign to know where to sit.  

   2.  Thursday, June 19th, after school
        Nellie McClung P.S. Fun Fair and BBQ
We hope to see you at the above events! 
You should have received information about both events already from the school.
  If you have any questions, please let us know.

The End of the School Year is Approaching...

Please return all library and Borrow-a-Book books to school this week.  

We have some great news re. summer reading for your child:  our school renewed the RAZ-Kids subscription for the summer break!  Your child will be able to access levelled books via the internet all summer long!  We will send home the username and password information again soon.  Please look for it in your child's plastic communication bag.

Happy Belated Father's Day!

To all the Dads,

We hope you had a great Father's Day yesterday with your families! 

Hopefully, your bean plants are also doing well!  They can grow in the cup until you are ready to transplant them to a garden or pot.  Just put them in a sunny window and spray the paper towel with water every day.