
Wednesday 26 November 2014

Holiday Toy and Food Drives


The holiday season is fast approaching, and Nellie McClung P.S. is reaching out to help families in our wider community.  We are collecting new/gently used unwrapped toys and non-perishable food items.  You may send your donations to school with your child.  Thank you!

Sunday 2 November 2014

Monday, November 3 - Class Photo Day

Class Photo:
Just a reminder that our class will be having our class photo taken tomorrow, Monday, November 3rd.

Photo Retakes:
If you were not happy with the photo proofs that were sent home and would like your child to have a photo retake, please send a note to school tomorrow with your child to let us know. 

Family Photos:
Also, if you would like your child to have his/her photo taken tomorrow with his/her brother(s)/sister(s), please send a note to school tomorrow with your child to let us know.