
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Reminders for Thursday, April 2, 2015

This Thursday is 'Crazy Hair Day' at school, and we will be having our McMichael Art Gallery workshop!  In order to fully enjoy the art workshop on Thursday, we will be eating our lunches earlier that day. 

Me to We Campaign - Update

As you may know, our school is collecting twoonies to purchase goats for families in need overseas.  Each class has been given the challenge to collect 25 twoonies ($50) in order to purchase 1 goat.  The great news is that our class has already collected 16 twoonies!  We are just 7 twoonies away from reaching our goal.  
Help me change
the life of a family.

A big thank you to the families who have already contributed to our class campaign!  If you have not already made a contribution, please consider sending in your donation with your child as soon as possible.  

Friday 13 March 2015

Special Chair & Crown Raffle

Thank you for supporting the Grade 7 students' efforts to raise money for their big trip to Niagara Falls!  The following 3 students each won a day this past week to sit on the special chair while wearing a crown:  Brian, Elinor and Lowen.

Mrs. Mateo and I are proud of         all the students in our class         for being good sports when their names were not chosen in the raffle! We think that you all deserve to sit in a special chair.  

Tuesday 10 March 2015

A Few Reminders for this Week...


Thursday, March 12th is Crazy Hat Day at Nellie McClung P.S.!  

Pick a fun hat or cap to wear for the day, or try making your own hat to wear.

Friday, March 13th is a P.A. Day for students.  There is no school for students.  The staff will be in the school if you need to contact anyone.

Lastly, Monday, March 16 to Friday, March 20, 2015 is March Break.  We all have the week off, and hopefully the milder weather will continue.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Special Chair & Crown Raffle Extended

The opportunity to buy tickets for the 'Special Chair and Crown' raffle has been extended until tomorrow, Friday, March 6th! You can still buy tickets for your child to win a chance to sit on the special chair for a day and wear a crown! (Proceeds from the raffle are being used to support the Nellie McClung Grade 7's trip to Niagara Falls.)  If you need another order form or have misplaced the one that was sent home last week, let us know, and we will send it home. 

Every day is a good day when you're wearing a crown!