
Saturday 28 November 2015

We're Back!

It has been a while since our last post ... hopefully, your child has been letting you know what we have been doing at school for the last little while.  If not, here is a partial update (it will take a few postings to catch up) ...

Thank you to all the families who have already sent in their family photos.  Many children love to look at the photo display throughout the day.  If you have not sent in your photo, yet, please do so at any time.  We would love to have everyone's family represented in our classroom display.  

Also, thank you to all the families who sent in items to help us create our number charts.  The children did a great job with the task!  

Indoor Shoes, Extra Clothes & Colder Weather

As the weather gets colder and wetter, the students will need to have a pair of 'indoor' running shoes to wear at school.  Please make sure your child's shoes are labelled with his/her name.  

Please send in extra clothing (pants, socks, underwear & tops) to keep at school in case of bathroom accidents, big spills or very wet/snowy weather.  If soiled clothing is sent home, please make sure more clothing is sent to school again as soon as possible.  

As was mentioned in the recent email from our school, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather each day.  For safety reasons while playing outside, we prefer if children wear 'neck warmers' or hats that also cover their necks/faces rather than scarves.  We go outside for recess each day unless it is raining or extremely cold (temperature range is determined by the Board).

Example of a neck warmer
                          Example of hat



If you are buying new winter clothing and/or boots for your child, may we suggest that you please consider 'ease of use' before making the purchase.  By 'ease of use', we mean, will your child be able to manage dressing him/herself for outdoors as independently as possible?  For example, coats, jackets and/or boots with removable liners seem like good ideas but are often very tricky for little ones (and sometimes even their teachers) to manage.  We are always available to help the children get dressed for outdoors, but please remember it is 1 or 2 adults trying to help 25 children, potentially, at the same time.

Lastly, please label all outdoor clothing and boots with your child's name.  We often have more than one child wearing the same looking items.