
Thursday 18 February 2016

First Term Reports

The first term reports will be sent home tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 19th. Parents are asked to complete the second page together with their children and return it to school in the envelope as soon as possible.

'Achievement Scale' and Senior Kindergarten Reports: 
Parents of Senior Kindergarten students will notice that in addition to the anecdotal comments, your children have also received ratings in the various literacy and mathematics curriculum strands.  The ratings range from Beginning to Extending.  According to the Full Day Curriculum Document,
"... reporting must always indicate the child's growth and achievement in relation to the learning expectations for the end of the Full-Day Early Learning-Kindergarten program."
(page 32)
Sometimes a child will receive a rating of 'Approaching' because we have not covered all the curriculum expectations, yet. The anecdotal comments will, hopefully, give a clearer indication of how your child is progressing.

If you have any questions/concerns about your child's report, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Roll  to  100
In celebration of the 100th Day of School, we are sending home a copy of our game, 'Roll to 100' along with dice for your child to keep. We played today at school, the teachers vs the students, and the students won! You will find the game and dice in your child's report envelope. We hope you enjoy playing together at home, too.

Monday 8 February 2016

Lunar New Year

If you celebrate the Lunar New Year, we wish you and your family all the best for a Happy and Healthy year!