
Tuesday 21 June 2016

SK Students to Visit Grade 1 Class

On Wednesday, June 22nd, the Senior Kindergarten students in our class will visit a Grade One classroom.  They will enjoy a story with the class, snack time and then go outside to the big yard for recess.  Mrs. Mateo will also go with the students.  In the past, these Grade One visits have always been very exciting, and we're sure the SK students will enjoy themselves tomorrow.

Vaughan Public Libraries - Summer Reading Club

This morning, we attended a presentation from the Vaughan Public Libraries. We learned about their Summer Reading Club programme.  This summer's theme is 'Go Wild', and there will be weekly family activities at the various libraries. When your child signs up for the programme, he/she will receive a book log to track the books he/she reads.  When you return to the library with your book log, you'll get stickers. In addition, your child can earn ballots to win prizes. 

We hope you and your child take advantage of the programmes available at the public libraries over the summer!

For more information & to link to the Public Library website, click here   

Sunday 19 June 2016

June Reminders...

It is hard for us to believe, but the end of the school year is almost here.  It's that time of year again for us to start to collect and organize our books for next year.  To that end, here are some reminders:

  • If you have not already done so, please return all school library books to school with your child.  If your child still has any outstanding books, notes were sent home with students on Friday.  If you believe that the book listed on the note was returned, please let us know, and we will let Mrs. Urback (the teacher-librarian) know; and
  • We are also asking that you return all Borrow-a-Book book sets & bags this week.  We will check and return your child's book log or reading journal for you to keep.

We hope you and your child will keep reading over the summer break.  We are having a visitor from the Public Library this coming week to let us know about their summer reading program and summer events.  We will either post the information or send home the information in the next few days.

On Friday, June 24th, we will be having our Annual End of the Year Kindergarten Picnic to celebrate the end of the school year and all the gains the children have made. This year, we will be starting in the gym with a brief performance by our Kindergarten classes led by Mrs. Gordon-Rak.  If it is raining, we will remain in the gym.  If the weather is good, we will go outside for snacks and play time. Younger brothers/sisters, other family members and/or caregivers are all welcome to join us.  Please remember to bring peanut/nut free snacks for you and your child.  We hope to see you on Friday starting at 9:15ish a.m.
If you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.

Happy Father's Day!

To all the Dads and Grandpas in our Families,
We would like to wish you all a very 
Happy Father's Day!

We hope you have a lovely day with your children.

Sunday 12 June 2016

Busy as Bees

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Have you heard the buzz around the school?  On June 1st, we had thousands of special visitors in the Kindergarten playground. A swarm of honey bees decided that one of our trees would be a good place to rest on their way to finding a new site for a home.

                                                                                                                                                                Ms. Guerriero was able to take some photos of them without getting stung because the bees were very focused on staying with their queen.

The bee visit had some of us asking questions and wondering about bees.  For the past week, we've been busy researching and learning about bees. We have learned that honey bees are the only insects in the world that make food that people can eat.  

We wanted to taste some honey in class on Tuesday, June 14th.  If you don't want your child to have any honey, please let us know.