
Wednesday 31 May 2017

Painted Lady Butterfly Videos

Here are a couple of videos of our special visitors that you might enjoy watching.

The first video is a Painted Lady caterpillar.  

The second video is about a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.  We were very excited to see our first butterfly today!  

Missing Jacket

One of our students is missing a black jacket.  It is a size 6 girl's jacket from Justice.  (Please see photo below.)  If your child has taken it home by mistake, please return it to school.
Thank you.
Image result for justice faux leather jacket for girls

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Caterpillar Update

The 15 caterpillars.  We wonder how many will be chrysalises tomorrow?

Three of the chrysalises.  They have attached themselves to the lids of the cups.  We then taped the lids to the cage.

Friday 19 May 2017

Lost and Found

We have lost a number of scissors from our class.  We keep scissors at the snack table to help with the opening of various snacks.  Would you please look at home in case some scissors were mistakenly taken home.  Most of the missing scissors look like this:

We have also found 2 sweaters in our room and no one has claimed them.  Here are photos of the sweaters:

If the sweater(s) belong to your child, please let us know and we will send it home.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Our Special Visitors Have Arrived!

Each caterpillar is in its own little cup.  The yellowish stuff in the cup is the caterpillar food.

The caterpillars look spikey.

Sunday 14 May 2017

Nellie McClung Public School's Fun Fair

As you may be aware, our annual Fun Fair will be held on June 8th this year, and once again we are collecting items for class baskets.  The baskets will be auctioned at the Fun Fair as a fundraiser for our school.

Our basket theme is Disney, Princesses, Pirates & Superheroes. We are accepting donations for the basket. Please send new and unopened items by Monday, June 5th.  

Our class brainstormed possible ideas for the basket:

  • costumes ... clothes, hats, capes, crowns, headbands, jewelry, etc.
  • toys such as pirate hooks, swords, wands, light saber, etc.
  • dolls, figurines
  • books & colouring books related to the theme
  • robotic toys 
  • blocks for building castles
  • toys ... toy ship, Disney toys
  • puzzles related to the theme
  • DVDs ... movies and shows
If you have any questions, please let us know.  We hope to see you at the Fun Fair!

Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all Mothers, Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers a very happy Mother's Day!  We hope you are enjoying the day with your families.

Image result for mother's day 2017