
Tuesday 6 November 2018

Library Books

We were unable to go to the library yesterday so we will be having our book exchange today, Tuesday.

Monday 29 October 2018


As you may already know from the school's weekly updates, students are allowed to wear their costumes to school on Wednesday, Oct. 31st.  If your child would like to wear his/her costume, please have your child wear it over his/her clothes.  We will have the students change out of their costumes before recess Wednesday morning.  Please make sure to send a plastic bag for the storage of your child's costume.   As per Board policy, masks and weapons that are part of costumes are not permitted.

Fall Dance – On October 31st we will be having our Fall School Dance.  We are encouraging each student to bring $2 for the dance to help pay for the DJ and to support Grade 8 fundraising.  Those who wish, may wear their Halloween costumes to the dance during their assigned time.  Snacks will be on sale at the dance:  $2 for cookies and $1 for ring pops.  Please place any money in a labelled envelope so we know what it is for.  E.g., Billy's money for the dance; or Billy's money for buying a treat.  We will send home the ring pops for your child to eat at home (they take a while to finish).

Our Trip to Round the Bend Farm

On Wednesday, we went to Round the Bend farm.  We saw lots of farm animals.  We went on a wagon ride and sat on straw bales.  The wagon was pulled by a tractor.  It was a bumpy ride!  Then we played in and on the straw maze.  Then we picked lots of vegetables in the garden.  Then we went to the farm classroom and learned how pumpkins grow.  We found out that pumpkins need bees to grow.  Then we picked a pumpkin and a gourd to take home.  The farm was lots of fun!

On Thursday, we made vegetable soup at school.  We used:  potatoes, carrots, onions, celery and cabbage.  We added water and salt, too.  It cooked all day long.  It smelled good while it cooked.

On Friday, we ate the soup.  It was yummy!  Some of us even had 2 cups of soup!

Written by the Kindergarten Class

Chopping potatoes for our soup

Enjoying our vegetable soup

A big thank you to the parent volunteers who were able to join us on the trip!  Your help was invaluable.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Photo Day & Upcoming Trip

Just a friendly reminder ... tomorrow, Wednesday, is photo day at school.  We will taking our class picture and individual pictures.

Thank you to the families who have already paid and given consent for our upcoming trip to Round the Bend Farm.  The trip is next Wednesday, Oct. 24th.  We will be in touch this week with parents re. volunteering for the trip.

Friday 5 October 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

We read the book, Thanks for Thanksgiving, and then we came up with our own list of what we are thankful for.  We hope you enjoy the long weekend, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday 1 October 2018

Curriculum Night & Other Recent Events

Thank you to all the families that were able to make it to our 'Meet the Teachers & Curriculum Night' last week.  It was nice to see you all, and we hope the children were able to show you around the room pointing out some of the activities that they enjoy doing during the day.  If you weren't able to attend, we have sent home an information pamphlet.  Please look for it in your child's communication bag.

Office Index Card ... your child's information page is coming home today for you to check and return.  Please make any corrections on the page itself.  If everything looks fine, please sign the page indicating that you have checked it.  Please return the information page to school in your child's communication bag as soon as possible.

Kindness Certificates ... each month we'll be recognizing 3 or 4 students in our class for showing kindness.  Hopefully, during the Meet the Teachers/Curriculum Night, you had an opportunity to read our class promise:
We want to have a kind class so we promise to help each other and share.  We promise to use our manners.  We promise not to hurt others.  We promise to be polite and listen to others.  Kindness matters at Nellie McClung P.S.!  
We had a difficult decision to make when we handed out our first Kindness Certificates last Friday.  Congratulations to Brayden, Roxanna, Felix and Jonathan!  Keep up the kind efforts everyone.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Terry Fox Walk

On Wednesday, Sept. 26th, our school will be holding our annual Terry Fox Walk.  Our Kindergarten class will join in by walking around the school field a few times.  You may even hear us chanting while we walk:  "Who are we walking for?  Terry Fox!"

If you have not already done so, please consider making a donation on-line at the following link:

You may also send cash donations to school in your child's communication bag.  A loonie or twoonie would be wonderful.  We will forward all donations.

Together we can reach our school goal of raising $2000.

Thank you

Saturday 23 June 2018

Virtual Portfolios

We have sent each family the following email:

Dear Parents,
In April, we started collecting some of our class observations using 'Google Slides'.  We are writing to send you a link to your child's slides so you can view your child's virtual portfolio.

We hope you enjoy it.
As always, if you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.

If you did not receive the above email, please let us know.  We may not have your correct email address.

Monday 18 June 2018

Annual Kindergarten Picnic

As you may already know, we will be having our annual Kindergarten picnic this coming Friday, June 22nd.  We will be starting in the gym to listen to some short, but sweet, performances from each class.  If it is raining, we will remain in the gym.  If the weather is good, we will go outside after the performances.  Bring a blanket or towel to sit on and a snack to share with your child.  The picnic will be ending by 10:30 am.  Younger brothers or sisters are welcome to join us.  We hope to see you on Friday!

Monday 14 May 2018

Nellie McClung P.S. Fun Fair

As you probably know, our school's annual Fun Fair will be held on Wednesday, June 6th.  Each class will be participating by donating the contents to a basket that will be raffled off at the Fun Fair.  Our class is collecting items that would be suitable for a 'Pool Party' themed basket.  Here are a few ideas of items that you may want to consider donating for our basket:

  • swim goggles
  • beach towels
  • sunglasses
  • sunblock
  • magazines
  • plastic glasses or plates
  • flip flops
  • beach balls
  • pool toys
  • floatation aids
  • caps, visors
  • playing cards 
  • etc.                
Thank you to the families who have already sent in their donations!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

This Week

As you may already know, Nellie McClung is having a Family Math Night this Thursday, May 10th.  Students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 are invited to participate in engaging mathematics learning together with their family. Some highlights of our night include:
  • Learning and problem solving using interactive Smart Boards
  • Hands on activities with shapes
  • Games and Puzzles
  • Math learning through literature
  • Finding mathematics in real life images
  • Using virtual reality goggles to experience mathematics
  • Using computers to complete math breakout challenges

Cookies and juice will be also available. Join us from 6:45-8:00 pm and help us learn and celebrate with our students who are all mathematicians! 

This is Mental Health Week, and we are encouraging everyone to wear green on Friday, May 11th in support of mental health.


Sunday 15 April 2018

Is it Spring, Yet?

The weather has been frightful this past weekend, but hopefully you and your family are all well and haven't had to go out too much.

Just a couple of reminders:
Tomorrow, Monday, April 16th, the Senior Kindergarten/Year 2 students will be having their 'Kindergarten Graduation' photos taken at the school.

Our class will be performing at the Spring Concert on Thursday, May 3rd.  We hope that all the students in our class will be able to attend and participate in the performance.

Saturday 17 February 2018

Happy Lunar New Year

To all the families who are celebrating the Lunar New Year, sending you wishes for a Happy and Healthy 
New Year!

Image result for lunar new year

Saturday 3 February 2018

Upcoming Events/Activities for Room 110

Thank you to the students and their families who have already sent in their '100th Day of School' collections.  We are all getting excited about the approaching 100th Day of School!

You can read more information about the 100 collections in our previous posting.

Valentine's Day Card Exchange

A note was sent home on Thursday, Feb. 1st regarding exchanging cards for Valentine's day.  If you did not find it in your child's backpack, please let us know, and we will send home another copy.  

Harry the Diry Dog Play

The Kindergarten classes will be going to the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 to see the play, 'Harry the Dirty Dog'. In addition, on another date prior to the play, instructors from the Performing Arts Centre will be coming into our classrooms to run workshops with the students. The play starts at 10:00 am, and we will be leaving the school by 9:30 am. We will travel by bus to the Performing Arts Centre, and we should be back at school by 11:45. 

Please go to School Cash on-line in order to give consent for your child to go on the trip by Tuesday, February 20th, 2018.  If payment poses a problem, please let either us or the principal, Mrs. McInnis, know so we can make alternate payment arrangements.  In addition, our class will be able to take 3 volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please indicate so when you make your payment and give consent. Please remember, all volunteers must have a police check on file at the school in order to participate.

Link to School Cash On-line

Friday 19 January 2018

The 100th Day of School is Approaching!

We have been counting the days of school.  Each day, the Helper colours one of the circles in our booklet, and we record the number.  (We have noticed many patterns as we count and record the numbers, too.)  As of Thursday, January 18th, we have been in school for 84 days!  We will be celebrating the 100th Day of School on Tuesday, February, 13th!

We are looking forward to the 100th day of school, because we are planning to celebrate!  As part of our class celebration, we are going to encourage the children to bring a '100 collection' to school.  Here are some ideas of collections that other children have brought to school in previous years:
  • 100  marshmallows/candies/cheerios
  • 100  beads on a string
  • 100  hair elastics
  • 100  words/letters  (you can cut out the words/letters from magazines or newspapers)
  • 100  clocks  (or  pictures  of  clocks  or  pictures  of  other  things  you  like)
  • 100  stickers
  • 100  pennies
  • 100  cars/dinosaurs/Lego pieces/shells
  • 100  piece  puzzle
Please feel free to be as creative as you and your child like with your choice of a 100 Collection.

Please  note,  your  child  can  bring  the  actual  items  to school  or  a  photo  of  the  collection.  Please  help  your child  organize  the  collection  so  that  it  is  easy  to count  the  100  pieces.  For  example,  you  may  want  to help your child sort and/or group the  collection into groups of 5,  10  or  20  items.  Your child can place each group in a baggie in order to easily transport and display the collection of 100.  

Your  child  may  bring  his/her  100  collection  to  school  any time before the 100th Day of School.   If you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Food Drive at Nellie McClung P.S.

Related image

As you may already know, for the next two weeks, our school will be holding a food drive.  We are collecting non-perishable food items and donating all the groceries to a food bank in York Region.  Please send food items to school with your child.  We will be collecting food until January 26th.  

Here are some suggestions of items that you may want to donate to our food drive:  canned fish or meat, beans, pasta, cereal, canned vegetables or fruit, powdered milk, flour, oil, oatmeal, etc.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!