
Friday 19 January 2018

The 100th Day of School is Approaching!

We have been counting the days of school.  Each day, the Helper colours one of the circles in our booklet, and we record the number.  (We have noticed many patterns as we count and record the numbers, too.)  As of Thursday, January 18th, we have been in school for 84 days!  We will be celebrating the 100th Day of School on Tuesday, February, 13th!

We are looking forward to the 100th day of school, because we are planning to celebrate!  As part of our class celebration, we are going to encourage the children to bring a '100 collection' to school.  Here are some ideas of collections that other children have brought to school in previous years:
  • 100  marshmallows/candies/cheerios
  • 100  beads on a string
  • 100  hair elastics
  • 100  words/letters  (you can cut out the words/letters from magazines or newspapers)
  • 100  clocks  (or  pictures  of  clocks  or  pictures  of  other  things  you  like)
  • 100  stickers
  • 100  pennies
  • 100  cars/dinosaurs/Lego pieces/shells
  • 100  piece  puzzle
Please feel free to be as creative as you and your child like with your choice of a 100 Collection.

Please  note,  your  child  can  bring  the  actual  items  to school  or  a  photo  of  the  collection.  Please  help  your child  organize  the  collection  so  that  it  is  easy  to count  the  100  pieces.  For  example,  you  may  want  to help your child sort and/or group the  collection into groups of 5,  10  or  20  items.  Your child can place each group in a baggie in order to easily transport and display the collection of 100.  

Your  child  may  bring  his/her  100  collection  to  school  any time before the 100th Day of School.   If you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Food Drive at Nellie McClung P.S.

Related image

As you may already know, for the next two weeks, our school will be holding a food drive.  We are collecting non-perishable food items and donating all the groceries to a food bank in York Region.  Please send food items to school with your child.  We will be collecting food until January 26th.  

Here are some suggestions of items that you may want to donate to our food drive:  canned fish or meat, beans, pasta, cereal, canned vegetables or fruit, powdered milk, flour, oil, oatmeal, etc.

Thank you in advance for your contributions!