
Saturday 17 February 2018

Happy Lunar New Year

To all the families who are celebrating the Lunar New Year, sending you wishes for a Happy and Healthy 
New Year!

Image result for lunar new year

Saturday 3 February 2018

Upcoming Events/Activities for Room 110

Thank you to the students and their families who have already sent in their '100th Day of School' collections.  We are all getting excited about the approaching 100th Day of School!

You can read more information about the 100 collections in our previous posting.

Valentine's Day Card Exchange

A note was sent home on Thursday, Feb. 1st regarding exchanging cards for Valentine's day.  If you did not find it in your child's backpack, please let us know, and we will send home another copy.  

Harry the Diry Dog Play

The Kindergarten classes will be going to the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 to see the play, 'Harry the Dirty Dog'. In addition, on another date prior to the play, instructors from the Performing Arts Centre will be coming into our classrooms to run workshops with the students. The play starts at 10:00 am, and we will be leaving the school by 9:30 am. We will travel by bus to the Performing Arts Centre, and we should be back at school by 11:45. 

Please go to School Cash on-line in order to give consent for your child to go on the trip by Tuesday, February 20th, 2018.  If payment poses a problem, please let either us or the principal, Mrs. McInnis, know so we can make alternate payment arrangements.  In addition, our class will be able to take 3 volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please indicate so when you make your payment and give consent. Please remember, all volunteers must have a police check on file at the school in order to participate.

Link to School Cash On-line