
Monday 29 October 2018


As you may already know from the school's weekly updates, students are allowed to wear their costumes to school on Wednesday, Oct. 31st.  If your child would like to wear his/her costume, please have your child wear it over his/her clothes.  We will have the students change out of their costumes before recess Wednesday morning.  Please make sure to send a plastic bag for the storage of your child's costume.   As per Board policy, masks and weapons that are part of costumes are not permitted.

Fall Dance – On October 31st we will be having our Fall School Dance.  We are encouraging each student to bring $2 for the dance to help pay for the DJ and to support Grade 8 fundraising.  Those who wish, may wear their Halloween costumes to the dance during their assigned time.  Snacks will be on sale at the dance:  $2 for cookies and $1 for ring pops.  Please place any money in a labelled envelope so we know what it is for.  E.g., Billy's money for the dance; or Billy's money for buying a treat.  We will send home the ring pops for your child to eat at home (they take a while to finish).

Our Trip to Round the Bend Farm

On Wednesday, we went to Round the Bend farm.  We saw lots of farm animals.  We went on a wagon ride and sat on straw bales.  The wagon was pulled by a tractor.  It was a bumpy ride!  Then we played in and on the straw maze.  Then we picked lots of vegetables in the garden.  Then we went to the farm classroom and learned how pumpkins grow.  We found out that pumpkins need bees to grow.  Then we picked a pumpkin and a gourd to take home.  The farm was lots of fun!

On Thursday, we made vegetable soup at school.  We used:  potatoes, carrots, onions, celery and cabbage.  We added water and salt, too.  It cooked all day long.  It smelled good while it cooked.

On Friday, we ate the soup.  It was yummy!  Some of us even had 2 cups of soup!

Written by the Kindergarten Class

Chopping potatoes for our soup

Enjoying our vegetable soup

A big thank you to the parent volunteers who were able to join us on the trip!  Your help was invaluable.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Photo Day & Upcoming Trip

Just a friendly reminder ... tomorrow, Wednesday, is photo day at school.  We will taking our class picture and individual pictures.

Thank you to the families who have already paid and given consent for our upcoming trip to Round the Bend Farm.  The trip is next Wednesday, Oct. 24th.  We will be in touch this week with parents re. volunteering for the trip.

Friday 5 October 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

We read the book, Thanks for Thanksgiving, and then we came up with our own list of what we are thankful for.  We hope you enjoy the long weekend, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday 1 October 2018

Curriculum Night & Other Recent Events

Thank you to all the families that were able to make it to our 'Meet the Teachers & Curriculum Night' last week.  It was nice to see you all, and we hope the children were able to show you around the room pointing out some of the activities that they enjoy doing during the day.  If you weren't able to attend, we have sent home an information pamphlet.  Please look for it in your child's communication bag.

Office Index Card ... your child's information page is coming home today for you to check and return.  Please make any corrections on the page itself.  If everything looks fine, please sign the page indicating that you have checked it.  Please return the information page to school in your child's communication bag as soon as possible.

Kindness Certificates ... each month we'll be recognizing 3 or 4 students in our class for showing kindness.  Hopefully, during the Meet the Teachers/Curriculum Night, you had an opportunity to read our class promise:
We want to have a kind class so we promise to help each other and share.  We promise to use our manners.  We promise not to hurt others.  We promise to be polite and listen to others.  Kindness matters at Nellie McClung P.S.!  
We had a difficult decision to make when we handed out our first Kindness Certificates last Friday.  Congratulations to Brayden, Roxanna, Felix and Jonathan!  Keep up the kind efforts everyone.