
Wednesday 6 March 2019

Friday, March 8th is Pajama Day

                           Friday, March 8th is Pajama Day at Nellie McClung P.S.!                              Your child may wear his/her pajamas to school on Friday.

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Monday 4 March 2019

Wednesday, March 6th Trip to the City Playhouse Theatre

This is just a friendly reminder about our upcoming trip on Wednesday, March 6th.  The Kindergarten classes will be going to see the musical, BeanStock, at the City Playhouse Theatre:

BeanStock follows Jack, as he trades in the family cow for a bag of magic beans.  His groovy adventure begins when he climbs a gigantic beanstalk, meets a jazz-loving giant and restores his family fortune!  12 performers on stage, fantastic sets, costumes, and lighting for a full-scale musical theatre experience.

We will be leaving for the theatre after taking attendance in the morning, and we should be back at school by lunchtime.  Please make sure your child has a good breakfast since we won't have time to eat snacks before we leave.