
Friday 28 February 2020


As you may already know from the school emails, our class will be participating in Junglesport activities next week.  In the past, our students have had lots of fun and really enjoyed themselves.  

Our class will be participating in the Junglesport activities on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of the coming week.  The cost is $10 per child.  Please pay on school cash online and complete the waiver for your child to participate.  The waiver must be completed in order for your child to participate. 

If you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.

Thursday 20 February 2020

100th Day of Kindergarten in Room 110

As you know, we celebrated the 100th day of school today!  We finally coloured the 100th circle on our ten frames chart, and the celebrations began!  

Here are some of the activities that we had fun with on the 100th Day of School:
We moved and counted to 100 by ones, fives and tens. We made '100th Day' crowns.  We cut out 100 hearts. We worked together to write 100 words.  We sang songs about 100, and we read books about 100. We measured how far 100 strips of paper would go down the hallway. We made a pattern chain with 100 strips of paper, and we built with collections of 100 objects like cups, blocks and straws.  

Here are some photos:

Starting the 100th day wearing our crowns

Many students also brought their own collections of 100 to school to share with us. It was great to see all the different collections, and we imagined all the counting that had gone on at home, too. Here are some of the collections:

100 jellybeans,  100 paper clips,  100 beads, 
100  pictures  &  100 jellybeans

100 beads

100 words

100 fuse beads  &  100 beans

100 pennies

100 paper clips used to write the message

a rainbow made of 100 beads

Thank you for helping us make the 100th Day of School a fun and good learning experience for us all! As a souvenir of our 100th day, each child received a 100th day necklace kit to make at home. We hope your child enjoys making his/her necklace.
samples of the 100th Day necklace

Sunday 9 February 2020

The 100th Day of School

We have been counting the days of school.  Each day, the special Helper colours one of the circles in our booklet, and we record the number. (We have noticed many patterns in the numbers as we count and record the numerals, too.)  

The 100th day of school is soon approaching, and we will be celebrating soon!  As part of our celebration, we are encouraging the students to bring their own collections of 100 to school.  Here is a sample of a 100 collection that Mrs. Mateo & Ms. Guerriero shared with the class:

As was stated in a letter that was sent home last week, here are some ideas for possible collections:
·         100 cards
·         100 coins/pennies (if you still have any)
·         100 shells
·         100 stickers
·         100 pencils/crayons
·         100 Lego-type blocks
·         100 post-it notes
·         100 letters/words/numbers cut out of magazines/newspapers
·         A list of 100 books that he/she has read
·         Be creative and surprise us with your collection

It would be great if the collections were organized in some way.  For example, if your child has a collection of 100 crayons, have him/her bring the crayons to school counted and separated in sandwich bags:  10 or 20 crayons in each bag.  If your child finds 100 words, have him/her glue the words onto paper in some organized way.

Your child may bring his/her collection to school starting from  Monday, February 10th.  We will share the collections with the class and then with the rest of the school via a hallway display.