
Wednesday 22 May 2013

Fly, Fly, Butterfly!

As we expected, when we returned to school after the long weekend, we saw that all the butterflies had emerged from their chrysalises!  Most of the butterflies looked very healthy and were flying around the flight cage.

A funny thing happened while Ms. Guerriero was cleaning the flight cage Tuesday morning.  One of the butterflies escaped!  Ms. G. could not catch the butterfly because it was flying too high around the classroom.  We think the butterfly will be okay, because it flew right out the door into the school yard.

On Wednesday, May 22nd, we all went outside and released the butterflies.  Some butterflies flew out right away, and we had to help some of the butterflies leave the flight cage.  We released the butterflies near the lilac bushes.  We think the butterflies like the lilac bushes, because we saw them using their proboscises right away!  (Your child will be able to tell you what a proboscis is.)

Here are some photos from our butterfly release:



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