
Friday 28 June 2013

Summer Wishes

Hello everyone! 
We hope you are all well and
beginning to enjoy the start of your summer holiday. 

     Since we didn't have a chance to see all the parents/guardians of the children in our class in the last few days of school, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a successful and fun Kindergarten year! 
     It always amazes us to see how much progress the children make in Kindergarten!  Some children start school in Junior Kindergarten not speaking English, and they leave for Grade One not only speaking English but also reading and writing English as well!  It is truly gratifying to see the amount of growth and development that all the children make in their Kindergarten years.  More importantly for us, we hope that the children end the year with us feeling confident about themselves as learners and feeling happy about going to school.
     Thank you, once again, for a great year!  Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable summer break.  If your child is returning to Nellie McClung P.S., school starts again on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 at 9:10 a.m.  (If your child will be going to another school, please check with the new school for the start time.)  We look forward to seeing you all again in September!


:) Mrs. Jesica Mateo & Ms. Lina Guerriero :)

P.S.  Over the next few days, we will be posting some ideas for summer time activities.   



Saturday 22 June 2013

Borrow-A-Book Book Bags

We hope that you and your child enjoyed our Borrow-a-Book programme this past year.  Reading to and with your child at home is one of the best ways to support your child's education, and we know that reading together is a well established habit in most of our students' homes.

Most of the Borrow-a-Book Bags were returned to school this past week.  Thank you for returning the books and bags in good condition!  We really appreciate your support.  More importantly, we feel that you are also helping your child demonstrate respect and responsiblity for his/her school supplies.  (We will send home reminder notes on Monday if your child has not returned his/her book bag.)

We hope that you and your child
continue enjoying many good books together
over the summer holidays as well!


Bean Plants

On Friday, June 21st, most children in our class brought home bean plants that we started growing in our class.  As you will have noticed, we sprouted the beans on paper towel so we could see the roots.  The seedlings are ready to be transplanted to soil now, and we hope the children will continue to take care of their plants.  (We have been learning about what living things need to survive:  air, water and food.  Plants use sunlight to make food, and they also get nutrients from soil.)

It would be fun to find out if the plants produce any beans.  Perhaps your family could post photos or comments on our blog throughout the summer holiday.

We watched the following time-lapse video of sprouting beans in our class, and we thought you might also enjoy watching it with your family.  (The video also demonstrates how plants, like other living things, are able to move on their own.  They just move so slowly that we don't normally notice it.)

P.S.  If your child didn't bring home a plant on Friday, he/she will bring it home on Monday.

Nellie McClung P.S.'s Second Annual Kindergarten Picnic

Yesterday was the first day of summer, and the weather was perfect for our Kindergarten Picnic.  It was great to see that so many families were able to join us to celebrate the end of our year in Kindergarten.

We ended our picnic with the Senior Kindergarten students joining hands and releasing a balloon for each class.  It reminded us of when we released our butterflies.  We released our butterflies when they were strong enough and ready to fly.  Now, our Senior Kindergarten students are ready to soar to Grade One!

We hope that you and/or child also enjoyed the picnic as much as we did! 


Wednesday 19 June 2013

A Few Reminders for the Last Week of School...

Today was our last pizza lunch for this school year.  There will be no pizza lunch next Wednesday, June 26th.  Please remember to send a lunch for your child.

Tuesday, June 25th will be the last day for 'Sub Lunches'.

Please join us, if you can, this Friday, June 21 for our second annual Kindergarten Picnic!
Bring a blanket/towel and breakfast/snack for you and your child and meet us on the school field.  Please have your Kindergarten child enter the school as usual Friday morning.  We will take attendance, and then come outside to join you on the field.  Other family members are also welcome to join us!

School Yearbooks are Available to Purchase 
Our 2012-2013  Nellie McClung P.S. yearbook has arrived!  If you forgot to preorder your copy, you can still get one.  Just send us a note with payment of $20, and we will send a yearbook home.
Just a friendly reminder...
The last day of school is Thursday, June 27th.
Please remember that school will end at 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2013.


Tuesday 18 June 2013

Senior Kindergartens - Transition to Grade One Visit

The Senior Kindergarten students in our class visited a grade one class today with Mrs.Mateo.  They spent an hour with the grade ones in
Ms. Robinson's class.  In addition to a reading activity, they had their snacks with the grade one students, and then went outside and had recess with the grade ones.

It looked like everyone had a good time, because the SK students all returned with big smiles on their faces!



Sunday 16 June 2013

Happy Father's Day!

To all the Fathers,
Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers
of the children in our class,
We hope you all had a fabulous Father's Day
 with your families!

Saturday 15 June 2013

The End of the School Year is Approaching...

It is hard for us to believe, but the school year will soon be ending.  It is that time of year to start collecting and organizing school books for next year.

Please return all Borrow-a-Book Book Bags and books on Tuesday, June 18th.  We will not be sending home anymore books.

All school library books are to be returned on Friday, June 21st.

End of Year Kindergarten Picnic
Just a friendly reminder that our Kindergarten Picnic is coming up soon!  We hope that you will be able to join us on Friday, June 21 from 9:20 (ish) a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to help us celebrate the end of the year. 

Please meet us on the school field.  Look for the sign,
Ms. G. and Mrs. Mateo's Class, and spread your blanket/towel.  We will take attendance inside our room and come out to join you as soon as possible.

Please remember to bring a blanket/towel sit on and breakfast or a snack to share with your child.  Younger brothers/sisters, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc. are also welcome to join us!

If it is raining on Friday, the Kindergarten picnic will be rescheduled to Monday, June 24th (same time).

Wednesday 12 June 2013

A Math Problem to Solve at Home

We have working on solving some math problems in our class for the last few weeks.  For example, after reading the book, One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab:  A Counting by Feet Book, we started working on finding as many different ways as possible to make a group of 10 using the characters in the book (each character has a different number of feet):  a snail, a person, a dog, an insect, a spider and a crab.  Here are some possible answers for the problem stated above:
1 crab (it has 10 feet)  10+0=10; 
2 dogs & 2 snails ... 4+4+1+1=10;  or
1 spider & 1 person ... 8+2=10.
Here is a problem for you to try at home with your child:
Altogether, we have 6 fruit snacks in our snack basket.  The fruit snacks could be apples or bananas.  How many apples and how many  bananas could there be?  
Clue:  There are 7 different ways to solve this problem.  
Your child may want to use or need to use materials to represent the problem so he/she can better understand it.  We have also found it useful to have some children draw pictures to represent possible solutions.
If your child would like to, have him/her bring his/her solution to school to share with the rest of the class.  Or have him/her post the solution on the blog.  :)
If you have any questions, please contact us.

A Friendly Reminder for Fridays...

Hello Everyone,

It has been a while since we last wrote a post for our blog.  We hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather today!

It was great to see so many families at our school carnival last Thursday!  Despite the cold and rainy weather, we had a tremendous turn out.  A big thank you to the School Council for organizing and running such a fun event!

Finally, we would like to remind you to have your child wear (or keep at school) running shoes on Fridays so he/she will be able to participate in our gym activities.