
Saturday 15 June 2013

The End of the School Year is Approaching...

It is hard for us to believe, but the school year will soon be ending.  It is that time of year to start collecting and organizing school books for next year.

Please return all Borrow-a-Book Book Bags and books on Tuesday, June 18th.  We will not be sending home anymore books.

All school library books are to be returned on Friday, June 21st.

End of Year Kindergarten Picnic
Just a friendly reminder that our Kindergarten Picnic is coming up soon!  We hope that you will be able to join us on Friday, June 21 from 9:20 (ish) a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to help us celebrate the end of the year. 

Please meet us on the school field.  Look for the sign,
Ms. G. and Mrs. Mateo's Class, and spread your blanket/towel.  We will take attendance inside our room and come out to join you as soon as possible.

Please remember to bring a blanket/towel sit on and breakfast or a snack to share with your child.  Younger brothers/sisters, grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc. are also welcome to join us!

If it is raining on Friday, the Kindergarten picnic will be rescheduled to Monday, June 24th (same time).

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