
Friday 5 July 2013

Another Blog for You...

I've just come across another blog that might be of interest to you especially if your child likes movies, and you don't always have the time to preview the movie.  Films for Kids  is the name of the blog.

The movie reviews are written by a mom with a 4 year child.  She writes the reviews from the perspective of suitability for viewing and enjoyment potential for both the child and parent. 

Let us know what you think of it.  In addition, if you follow other blogs that you think other parents/families may enjoy, let us know.  We may be able to feature it in the future.



  1. Just wanted to let u know there was no link to click on. (jody)

    1. Thank you for the comment.
      For some reason unknown to me, when I was writing the post, the link to the blog, FilmsforKids, was not visible in the final post. I added a link to the blog. Go to the right side panel of our blog and scroll down. A link to FilmsforKids is listed under "Books We've Been Reading".

      Hope you, R. and L. are all having a good summer holiday so far!

      Ms. G. :)
