
Tuesday 10 September 2013

Happy First Week of Kindergarten!

Well, we did it!  We survived the first week of Kindergarten, and we didn't have too many tears.  Most of the children are settling in well and adjusting to the routines and expectations of being in school all day. 

The last few days we have been busy getting to know each other and exploring the activities and centres in our room.  We have all painted a self-portrait and written a message for our paintings.  In math, we have been sorting ourselves in different ways and graphing the results.  (We will post some of our graphs on the blog soon.)

We have been reading lots of books about treating others in respectful ways, and we have also been discussing the concepts from the books (e.g., our behaviour is a result of the choices we make).  We all decided that we wanted to have a nice class, and our readings and follow-up discussions have helped the students answer this question that we posed:  What would a nice class feel like, look like and sound like?  Our next step will be to write a class promise based upon our ideas.  (Look for all these ideas posted on our blog soon.)

Forms & Paperwork
Thank you to all the families who have already completed and returned all the various forms to school.  We appreciate your cooperation in helping us update and/or provide the school/class the information we need at the beginning of each school year.  If you have not yet completed and returned all the forms that were sent home last week, please do so as soon as possible.


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