
Saturday 9 November 2013

Classroom News

As you may already know, we had to evacuate our school yesterday afternoon due to a suspicious smokey smell in one of our school bathrooms.  Firefighters arrived and checked out the situation, and luckily, everything was fine.  When we went back inside, we wrote the following message to post on our blog:

Big   News 
On   Friday   afternoon,   there   was   a   smokey   smell   in   a   bathroom.   To   be   safe,   Mrs. Thompson,   our   principal,   called   the   fire   department.   We   had   to   go   outside   to   be  safe.    3   fire   trucks   came   to   our   school.   The   firefighters   checked   the    school,   and    they   said   everything   was   okay.   Then   we   went   back   inside.   We   missed   our   activity   time   today,   but   it's   okay.    Thank   you   Mrs. Thompson   for   calling   the   firefighters   and   keeping   us   safe.
By   the   Kindergarten    Students    in    Room    110


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