
Tuesday 24 February 2015

We are Wondering About...

As you may be aware from your child, we have been learning about the Arctic in our class.   We have done some reading, and we have watched some video clips about Arctic animals and the Inuit people who live in Nunavut.  

Yesterday, we asked each student to choose an animal that they are interested in researching further.  This morning, Joshua, Blake and Natalie started researching polar bears.  At the end of the morning, we held a 'knowledge circle' so they could share what they found out with the rest of the class.

In the afternoon, Zachary, Emmy, Alon B. and Jake were able to do more research to find the answers to the first 4 questions.  They also shared what they found out with the class.  (You may want to ask your child if he/she remembers some of the information he/she heard about polar bears.)

Your child may enjoy doing some research at home, too.  We have been using a simple organizer at school to record our information:
E.g., Polar bears are ...
       Polar bears have ...
      Polar bears can ...
We would love it if he/she records the information with pictures and/or words and brings it to school to share. 

Here are some other Arctic animals we have been focusing on: caribou, walrus, ringed seal, orca whale, beluga whale and narwhal whale.

Happy Researching!

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