
Sunday 31 May 2015

What Have We Been Learning About in Math?


For the past week or so, we've been focusing on geometry in our math lessons.  We've been learning about 3D figures and how they differ from 2D shapes. We've been focusing on the following 3D figures: cubes, cylinders, rectangular prisms, spheres and cones. 
Cubes Clip Art
      cylinder                rectangular prism 

Image result for spheres geometry

We've been learning about some of the characteristics of the 3D figures.  Does the 3D figure have any faces or flat sides?  Does it roll?  Does it slide, and/or does it stack?   

We've also been looking for and identifying objects in our classroom that look like 3D figures.  For example, markers and pencils are like cylinders.  You can have your child look for objects that look like the various 3D figures at home, too.  You may want to talk with your child about how the shape sometimes helps with the function of the object, too.  E.g., wheels/tires are cylinder shaped and not cube shaped. 

We need your help:  we want to do some art and building activities at school, and we need your recyclable containers. Would you please send in various 3D items for us to use? Here are some examples of items we would like to have: paper rolls, boxes of all sizes, party hats, clean/rinsed drinking cups, etc.  Thank you in advance for your help!

(Look for the photos of our creations on this blog in the near future.)


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