
Friday 12 June 2015

Missing Jacket and Kindergarten Picnic Reminder!

A child in our class is missing a new jacket.  It is a 'Joe Fresh' blue jacket, and it has sharks on it. The jacket is also labelled with the child's name. Would you please check your child's belongings to make sure the jacket didn't accidentally go home with the wrong child?  If you find it, please return it to school. Thank you!

A Friendly Reminder...

On Tuesday, June 16th, we will be having our annual end of year Kindergarten Family Picnic.  We hope you will be able to join us from 9:15 to about 10:30 am.  Bring a snack (or breakfast) and a blanket, and join us on the field.  (Please look for our class sign.) We'll provide some equipment like balls, skipping ropes, parachute, etc. for some fun after snack/breakfast.  Younger brothers/sisters are welcome to join us as well as grandparents/nannies/etc.  The more the merrier! (In case of rain on Tuesday, the picnic will be rescheduled to Thursday, June 18th.)

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