
Sunday 20 September 2015

What's Been Happening in Room 110?

We've completed our first two weeks of school, and the children appear to be settling in well.  We have been getting to know each other and working on learning some of our classroom routines.  A big 'thank you' to the returning SK students!  They have been great role models and helpers with the new students in our class.  

Thank you very much to the families who have already sent extra clothes and running shoes to keep at school.  Your child will use the running shoes as 'indoor shoes' as well as gym shoes.  If you have not already done so, please send these items with your child as soon as possible.  Thank you also for returning your child's plastic communication bag to school each day.  

Gym Days & Library:
For timetabling purposes, our school operates on a Day 1 to Day 5 schedule.  Our class has use of the gym on Day 5.  Tomorrow, Monday, Sept. 21st, will be our second gym day. Please make sure your child has running shoes to wear for gym.

Our class will go to the school Library to sign out books on Day 3.  We expect to be able to sign out books starting at the beginning of October.  Your child will bring home his/her library book in a plastic bag. Please return the library book in the plastic bag to school on each 'Day 3' so your child may borrow another book. (Please note:  Families will be asked to pay for lost or damaged books.)

 Here is a partial list of the dates of our Library Days (Day 3s):

  • Friday, Oct. 2                  
  • Friday, Oct. 9
  • Monday, Oct. 19
  • Monday, Oct. 26                                
  • Monday, Nov. 2
  • Monday, Nov. 9
  • Monday, Nov. 16
  • Monday, Nov. 23
  • Tuesday, Dec. 1
  • Tuesday, Dec. 8
  • Tuesday, Dec. 15     

Home - School Connection:

We love to have beautiful stuff to create even more beautiful art!  Please help us replenish our Art Centre supplies by sending in reusable items from your recycle bins such as:  paper rolls, small boxes, wrapping paper, magazines, buttons, lids, etc.


Family Photos:  We would like to set up a Family Photos display in our classroom. Please send in a picture of your family that we may keep for the year.  We will return the photos at the end of the school year.  

Number Posters:  We will asking each child to help us create a set of number posters from 1 to 25 to display in our class.  To help with this, we are asking each child to bring in small items that can be glued down on paper.  Here are some examples of items that your child may want to bring to school:  beads, stickers, cotton balls, paper clips, broken crayons, twigs, small leaves, seeds, etc. Please do not make any special purchases for this activity.

If your child is a JK student, please have him/her bring 1 to 12 items to school.
If your child is a SK student, please have him/her bring 13 to 25 items to school.  (We will return any items that we don't use.)

Please send the items to school with your child by Friday, October 9th.

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