
Monday 30 October 2017

Hallowe'en Fun

As you know, tomorrow is Hallowe'en.  Some children like to wear their costumes at school on Hallowe'en.  If your child would like to wear a costume tomorrow, please have him/her wear his/her costume over his/her clothes if possible.  We will have the children take their costumes off by morning recess. Please send an extra bag (e.g., a plastic shopping bag) so we can help your child pack up his/her costume.  Please remember, any masks and weapon-like parts of the costume (e.g., swords, guns, hooks, lazers, etc.) should stay at home.  

Fall Dance ...

The Kindergarten classes will attend the Fall Dance tomorrow from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m.  As was mentioned in a previous email from the school, each student is asked to bring $2 for the dance to help pay for the DJ and to support Grade 8 fundraising.  Snacks will also be on sale at the dance:  $2 for a cookie and $1 for a ring pop. 

Hallowe'en Treats ...

In the days following Hallowe'en, please limit the amount of candy that you send to school with your child.  Please do not send more than one or two treats with your child each day.  As always, please make sure the treats are peanut and nut-free to help keep all of our children safe at school.

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