
Friday 24 November 2017

Jungle Sport in our Gym Next Week

As you may be aware from a number of school emails, our school gym will be transformed next week (Nov. 27 to Dec. 1) to Jungle Sport.  It looks like it will be a fun activity for all students with an indoor climbing apparatus.  Each class will visit 3 times during the week.  Activities change depending on the ages of the students participating and all activities are age appropriate.

Our class will be attending on:

  1. Monday, Nov. 27th ... 9:10 - 9:50
  2. Wednesday, Nov. 29th ... 10:30 - 11:10, and
  3. Friday, Dec. 1st ... 9:50 - 10:30
Please go to to the school cash online site to register for Jungle Sport.  The cost is $10.00/student.  If payment poses a problem for your family, please let either us or the principal, Mrs. McInnis, know so we can make the necessary arrangements.  You have to give consent on the School Cash Online site in order for your child to participate in 'Jungle Sport' next week.

Friday 17 November 2017

Senior Kindergarten/Year 2 Student-led Conferences

Our student-led conference schedule is open for booking appointment times on Edsby for the families of Senior Kindergarten/Year 2 students.  An invitation to do this was sent to your Edsby inbox with a notification to your email.  For help signing up for Student-Led Conferences, please visit: 
If you have any questions about this process, please contact the school's main office.
The Progress Report Cards for both Junior Kindergarten/Year 1 students and Senior Kindergarten/Year students will be sent home on Tuesday, November 21st.   

Saturday 4 November 2017

A Friendly Reminder ...

We will going to the Community Safety Village on Tuesday, November 14th.  Thank you to all the families who have already given consent and paid for the trip on School Cash On-line.  If you have not done so yet, please go to School Cash On-line soon in order to sign-up your child for the trip. Here is the link:  School Cash On-line

If payment is a problem, please let either us or the principal, Mrs. McInnis, know so we can be of assistance.  If you are planning not to send your child on the trip, also let us know.

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help us with supervision on the trip!  Unfortunately, we are only able to take 4 volunteers with us to the Safety Village.  Thank you again for your support.

Junior Kindergarten/Year 1 Observation Visits

We will be starting our JK/Year 1 Observation Visits the week of Monday, November 13th.  Thank you to all the families that have already returned their sign-up notes.  If you have not returned your sign-up note yet, please do so as soon as possible.  If none of the dates/times available for in-class visits works for you, please let us know so we can make alternative arrangements to meet with you.

We're looking forward to seeing you soon!

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Borrow-a-Book Book Bags

A couple of weeks ago, we sent home information about our Borrow-a-Book home reading program.  Many families decided that they would like to participate.  We will be sending home the first set of books tomorrow.  Please look for the books in your child's backpack.  Please return the bag with the books each Tuesday.  Each Thursday, we will send a new set of books home with your child.

Image result for book bags

If you have any questions once the book bags come home, please contact us.