
Friday 24 November 2017

Jungle Sport in our Gym Next Week

As you may be aware from a number of school emails, our school gym will be transformed next week (Nov. 27 to Dec. 1) to Jungle Sport.  It looks like it will be a fun activity for all students with an indoor climbing apparatus.  Each class will visit 3 times during the week.  Activities change depending on the ages of the students participating and all activities are age appropriate.

Our class will be attending on:

  1. Monday, Nov. 27th ... 9:10 - 9:50
  2. Wednesday, Nov. 29th ... 10:30 - 11:10, and
  3. Friday, Dec. 1st ... 9:50 - 10:30
Please go to to the school cash online site to register for Jungle Sport.  The cost is $10.00/student.  If payment poses a problem for your family, please let either us or the principal, Mrs. McInnis, know so we can make the necessary arrangements.  You have to give consent on the School Cash Online site in order for your child to participate in 'Jungle Sport' next week.

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