
Friday 21 June 2019

Kindergarten Picnic and Last Week of School

Image result for kindergarten singing clipart

It was great to see so many families today at our annual 
end of year Kindergarten celebration!  All the Kindergarten classes practised for many weeks and today's concert was the culmination of all our efforts.  Well done, everyone!  
Lucky for us all, the weather cooperated today, and we had a great morning for a picnic.  
We hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Image result for plastic bag clipartAs the end of school approaches next week, we'll be sending home various items with the children.  Would you please help us out by sending a bag or two to help us with the packing up of belongings?  

Lastly, just a reminder re. lunches next week:
There are no pizza or sub lunches next week.  

We hope you have a great first weekend of summer!

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