
Tuesday 10 September 2019

Welcome Back & Welcome to Room 110

Hello and welcome to our classroom blog!  We are Lina Guerriero (aka Ms. G.) and Jesica Mateo.  We are the teaching team for Room 110 at Nellie McClung P.S.  We have a combined Senior Kindergarten/Year 2 and Junior Kindergarten/Year 1 class, and we currently have 28 students in our class.

We have had a good start to the year, and most children are settling in well.  A big thank you to the returning Kindergarten students who are doing a great job of helping the new students in our room.

Some start up information:
Extra clothes ... thank you to the families who have already sent in extra clothing for their children.  If you have not done so yet, please plan on sending extra clothes with your child as soon as possible.  Please make sure to label the clothing bag with your child's name.

Parent Contact Pages & Office Forms... thank you for returning the various forms for your child.  If there are any outstanding forms that need to be submitted, we will let you know this coming week.

Library time ... our class will be visiting the library this week for the first time.  They will start borrowing books next week.  We will send home a letter with the children's first library book.  Please look for the letter and keep it as a reference for the dates of our class library visits for the year.  We will be visiting the library on Day 5s of our school schedule.

Gym time ... our class has use of the gym on Day 4s of our school schedule.  Please make sure your child has a pair of running shoes for gym days.  Your child may keep an extra pair of running shoes at school to be used as 'indoor shoes'.  Please do not sent shoes with laces unless your child is able to tie up his/her own shoes.

Communication Bags ... thank you for sending the plastic communication bag each day with your child.  If you have any questions/concerns, one of the best ways to reach us is with a note in the communication bag.

We're looking forward to meeting you in person soon at our school Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 26th!


  1. Hello! Thank you for the introduction. Can you please post a class schedule with a breakdown of the Day 1, Day 2 details etc?

    1. Sorry for the late response. I did not receive any notification of the comment.
      We provided a general schedule of our school day in the Curriculum Night handout. If you would like more information, please let us know.
      Thank you for the question.
