
Tuesday 8 October 2019

Kindergarten Farm Trip

We had a great day at the Forsythe Family Farms today!  

We enjoyed seeing the farm animals in the barn, and we got to feed the goats and sheep.  

Cocoa the cow

The male turkeys were making lots of noise when we were in the barn.

Farmer Sue explained to us how to hold the vegetables to feed the sheep and the goats.

We went to the pumpkin patch, and Farmer Sue explained how pumpkins grow.  Then we each got to pick a pumpkin to take home.

We had fun going through the corn maze.  Sometimes we came to a dead end, but we didn't give up!

The weather was great so we ate our lunches outside on the picnic tables.  After lunch time, we went on a bumpy wagon ride.  We saw signs of fall:  apples, coloured leaves, pumpkins and giant drooping sunflowers.

After the wagon ride, we went in the market.  We saw lots of yummy fruits and vegetables.  There were also many treats like pies, tarts and honey for sale, too.

Before we got on the bus to go back to school, we met a few more farm animals.  Oreo the goat and Precious Pie the pony are buddies, and they like to spend their days together.

It was a great day at the farm.  A big thank you to our parent volunteers who helped us today.  Thank you Ms. D., Ms. H., and Ms. M. for helping us have a wonderful day!

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