
Wednesday 15 January 2020

Re. Monday, January 20, 2020

As you may already know, ETFO has announced that elementary school teachers in York Region District School Board may be conducting a one day strike on Monday, January 20, 2020 if progress is not made in negotiations with the Ontario government.

If the strike proceeds on Monday, January 20, 2020, Nellie McClung P.S. will be closed to students for the day. Please do not send students to school on January 20. (Secondary schools will not be affected and will remain open.)  In addition, all elementary school transportation services (including buses, taxis, etc.) will not be running. School will resume on Tuesday, January 21, and students are expected to return to their regular schedule for the day. (If your child attends 'Fun on the Run', please check with them if they will be open on Monday.)

You may find the following link helpful:

Here is some information from the above site:

Financial support for parents during strikes


Eligibility is limited to parents whose children are enrolled in a school or attending a school-based child care centre that is fully closed due to a strike.
Parents are eligible for support if their:
  • children are in junior kindergarten up to and including Grade 7 in a publicly-funded school that has closed on account of a labour disruption
  • children have special needs and are in junior kindergarten up to and including Grade 12 (or up to age 21) in a publicly-funded school that has closed on account of a labour disruption
Eligible parents of children up to age 12 (Grade 7), or up to age 21 for children and youth with special needs, in a publicly funded school, qualify for:
  • $40 per day for students in junior (JK) or senior kindergarten (SK)
  • $25 per day for students in grades 1 to 7
  • $40 total per day for students in JK to Grade 12 (or aged 21 and under) with special needs
A student with special needs means any student reported to be receiving special education programs or services by their school board. This does not include students formally identified as being Gifted, who are receiving special education programs and services.

You can apply for funding at:

Let's all hope that progress can be made with the contract negotiations!

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