
Monday 23 March 2020

A Big Hello to Everyone!

Hello Everyone,

We hope that this post finds you and your family all well!  It's not easy practising social distancing, and we hope that we can all get back to our normal lives sooner rather than later.  

We believe that all families recently received the following email from the Board:

Dear families, 

I hope this correspondence finds you and your family healthy and safe.  As you know, on March 12, 2020, the Ontario Minister of Education issued an order to close all publicly funded schools from March 14, with an expectation that they reopen on April 6, to interrupt the spread of COVID-19. Today, the Ontario Minister of Education has written a letter to all families and asked that school boards share it broadly. You may find a copy of this letter on the Board’s website. 

At YRDSB, many of us have been working during the school closure to provide resources for students and their families and our staff members. On Friday, we shared resources for online learning and tips for speaking with children about COVID-19. We encourage you to continue to visit the Board’s website or Twitter feed @YRDSB for up-to-date information on education-related news, and or for public health updates. For those of you returning to Canada from abroad, please remember the importance of self-isolation for 14 days after your return. 

As the Minister has requested, our leadership team is working to provide technology for families who may not have access so that they may benefit from the online resources provided by us and the Ministry.  As our plans develop, we will communicate this information to families. 

Once again, I would like to reassure you that we are making decisions with your children’s health and safety as a top priority. Please continue to follow us on Twitter @YRDSB and check your email to receive updates from us during this rapidly changing global situation.


Louise Sirisko
Director of Education 

If you click 'resources for online learning' in the above letter, you will see a list of sites that you may want to use with your child during the school closure.  In addition, the Ministry of Education has also provided a list of resources that you may access at:

For some of the sites that are listed on the Board's online resources, a password may be needed. For example, the information for the Bookflix site is:  Username: dsbyork , and the Password: dsby7692.

If you find other sites that you need a password in order to use them, please let us know, and we will do our best to get the information for you. If you have any questions/concerns, please leave us a message in the comments, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

One more thing:
Here is one of the songs we were learning before the break. We thought your child(ren) may enjoy singing it to you:


March  is  here,  and  the  days  are  getting  longer.

March  is  here,  and  the  sun  is  getting  stronger.

Some  days  are  cold,  and  it  may  snow,

But  spring  is  coming  soon,  I  know.

Written by B. Beattie

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