
Monday 13 April 2020

E-Learning: Week 2 ... Week of April 14 to April 17, 2020

Dear Parents,

We hope you and your families are all well!

We have made a few changes to our Google Classroom for the second week:
1. We will not post any daily messages this week;
2. We have added a new song and a new rap;
3. We have added new activities to complete over the week; 
4. There is a video math lesson about 3-D figures to watch;

5. We have included information about the IXL math site in the Week 2 activities.  If you need your child's log-in username and password, please let us know; and lastly,

6. We would like you to submit 4 pieces of work/activities for your child this coming week.  Please see the posted activities.

We have an 'office hour' when you can reach us every school day fairly quickly. It is from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. Just send us an email, and we should be able to respond to you right away. Of course, you can send us an email at any time. We are generally able to respond within the same day.  If you prefer us to call you, let us know in your email, and we will give you a call.

Have a great day, and the Week 2 activities on our Google Classroom will be posted tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Mateo & Ms. Guerriero

FDK Team for formerly Room 110

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