
Sunday 11 November 2012

Kindergarten Update from Room 110

Remembrance Day

Last week, we prepared for Remembrance Day by reading and discussing the book, Why Do We Remember?.
We found out that we stop each November 11th to remember all the men and women who have lost their lives over the years fighting to protect Canadians and others around the world. We are very fortunate to live in a country like Canada where we enjoy so many freedoms.

Since November 11th fell on a Sunday this year, our Remembrance Day School Assembly was held on Friday, November 9th.  Each class presented their wreaths, and there were a few musical presentations.  We were very proud of our class because they remembered to be quiet and respectful throughout the assembly. 

Junior Kindergarten Observation Visits
Parents of Junior Kindergarten students will be beginning their visits tomorrow, November 12.   We will have parents visiting our classroom over the next few weeks to observe their child in the classroom setting.  Parents of JK students will receive their child's report on the day of their visit.  Please remember not to bring younger brothers or sisters to the visit if possible.
Senior Kindergarten Progress Reports
Progress reports for SK students will be sent home on November 21, 2012.  We will having student-led conferences on November 22 and November 23, 2012.  If you have not booked your day and time, please go to the following website to do so:   and  enter the following event code:  9NAWR
Please remember to bring your child to school with you for the conference.  Your child will be leading the conference with you.  We will also be available to answer any questions you may have.
Picture Retake Day - Thursday, November 15, 2012
If you would like to have your child retake his/her school photo, please return the order form with the photo proofs to school before this Thursday.  In addition, please attach a note letting us know that you would like to have a retake.
Borrow-a-Book Home Reading Programme
A big thank you to everyone for helping us have a great start to our Borrow-a-Book programme!  In just our second week, everyone returned their book bags with the correct books!  This has never happened before, and you can't imagine how much easier it is for us to run the programme. 
Thank you very much!   :)  :)