
Sunday 4 November 2012

Reminders for November...

Mondays...gym day

Tuesdays...please return Borrow-a-Book Bags and homework
              ...'Sub Lunch', if ordered

Wednesdays...'Pizza Lunch', if ordered

Fridays...Library day -  please return library books   

Remembrance Day Assembly:  November 9th
                                              at 10:45 a.m. in the 
                                              school gym

Picture Retake Day:  November 15th  

The school photo proof and order form for your child was sent home last week.  If you are not satisfied with the photo, your child can retake it on Nov. 15th.  Just send back the photo proof with a note to let us know that you would like a retake.  

Indoor Shoes:  if you have not already done so, please send a pair of running shoes that your child may keep at school to wear as both indoor shoes and gym shoes.    


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