
Wednesday 30 October 2013

Hallowe'en Fun

Hallowe'en is almost here,
and the excitement is growing amongst the students!
At Nellie McClung P.S., students are allowed to wear their costumes for the morning of Hallowe'en, if they wish.  If your child is going to wear his/her costume, please make sure he/she has a change of clothes or is wearing his/her clothes under his/her costume.

Also, toy weapons (e.g., guns, swords, etc.) that are part of your child's costume are not allowed at school.  Please leave them at home.

Lastly, it would be very helpful for us if you would please label your child's costume with his/her name.
Have a safe & Happy Hallowe'en!


Sunday 27 October 2013

Student Led Conferences for Senior Kindergarten Students

On Thursday, November 14th and Friday, November 15th, the Senior Kindergarten students will be leading student-parent conferences. The teaching team will be in the room to support the students and answer any questions from the parents.

You can sign up for your conference time by going to  The code for our school is VH9FH.
Please remember these conferences are for Senior Kindergarten students and their parents/guardians only.  Junior Kindergarten parents/guardians will be attending in-class observation visits in November to see how their children are adjusting to being in school.

We look forward to meeting with you all soon!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Raz-Kids e-Books

Ms. G. has finally set up the class roster so our class now has access to hundreds of eBooks using our school subscription to Raz-Kids.  Your child will receive a note tomorrow with his/her personal login information.   To access the Raz-Kids eBooks, log in at and use your child's personal login information.  We hope you and your child enjoy our new reading resource.  We would love to get your feedback about the site so please feel free to leave a comment or contact us.

Saturday 12 October 2013

A Few Friendly Reminders...

Hello everyone! 
Just a few reminders for the coming week:
1.  Tuesday, October 15th is School Photo Day.  Please remember to return the photo form so you can choose the background colour for your child's photo;
2.  Wednesday, October 16th:  if you have not already done so, please return your child's consent form along with the payment for our upcoming trip to Green Acres Outdoor Education Centre.  We still have lots of room for adult volunteers to join us on the trip, and we would appreciate the help with supervising students; and
3.  Running shoes/Indoor shoes:   please make sure your child has a pair of running shoes to keep at school.  These shoes can be his/her indoor shoes and gym shoes.  Please label the running shoes with your child's name.

We hope that you and your family has a lovely Thanksgiving weekend together!


Tuesday 8 October 2013

Please Mark Your Calendars...

Curriculum Night ...Just a reminder that tomorrow evening is Curriculum Night at Nellie McClung.  The Kindergarten Team will be making two presentations, at 6:30 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m., in the library.  We hope that you will be able to join us.  Please remember that this is a 'parents only' event.  Please make childcare arrangements for your child.

Hope to see you tomorrow evening!

Friday, October 11, 2013 is a P.A. Day.  There is no school for students.  Staff will be at the school if you need to contact anyone.

Monday, October 14th is Thanksgiving, and the school will be closed.  We hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend together.  Enjoy the extra long weekend!

Trip to Green Acres ... if you have not already done so, please return your child's consent form and payment for the trip by Wednesday, Oct. 16th.  
Thank you! 


Sunday 6 October 2013

School Bus Safety

On Friday, October 4th, the Kindergarten classes learned about School Bus Safety at Nellie McClung P.S.  We learned some very important lessons to keep us all safe whether we ride the bus every day or only on school trips. 

DON'T:  A guide to remembering some do's and don'ts around school buses

D is for don't be late, and don't run after the bus.

O is for stay on the sidewalk.  Stay 5 big steps away from the road.

N is for never go into the danger zones.  Don't go behind, beside or
    in front of the bus.  If you can't see the bus driver, he/she can't see

T is for tell the driver if you drop something.  Never try to get  
   something you dropped on your own.

We also had a chance to get on a school bus and learn how to stay safe on the bus.  We sit with our backs touching the seat, and we keep our feet out of the aisle.  In case of emergency, we can exit from any of the emergency exits.  On Friday, we practised exiting from the back door emergency exit.  Some grade 8 students helped us exit the bus and wait in a safe location.

This was good information for us because on October 23rd we're going to ride a school bus when we go on our field trip to Green Acres!


Wednesday 2 October 2013

Bookflix - this was originally posted last Spring

We have free access to a wonderful site called BookFlix Literacy Resources.

You can access this site from your home for free at:
BookFlix pairs classic fictional video storybooks from Weston Woods with nonfiction eBooks from Scholastic to reinforce reading skills and develop essential real-world knowledge and understanding.
For Grades PreK to 3.

Here is the login information you will need:
Sign On: dsbyork

Password: dsby7692

Spectacular Sorting Shots

We hope you enjoy the photos that follow.  They were taken on Wednesday during our math activities.  We have been working on sorting various collections, and describing the attributes (e.g., size, shape, colour, etc.) we used to sort the groups. 

Can you guess our sorting rules, and can you guess who sorted the objects? 
I sorted by colour ... purple beads and blue beads.
I sorted the shells by big,        
small and medium.        

We sorted by the type of sea creature.

First we sorted the sea creatures.
 Then we sorted the turtles by size.

We sorted the people by colour.


There are many ways that we sort things in our homes, too.  Just think of the way your things are organized in your kitchen.  Your cutlery, dishes, and various food products are probably all sorted and stored in specific places so everyone can find what they need easily.

Your child can practise sorting various household items like socks, toys, books, recycling items, etc.  Talk with your child about how he/she sorted the items.  Have him/her explain his/her sorting rules and thinking.  E.g., "I put these books together because they are my favourites."  "These towels are all the same colour and the same size. "  "These apples are all small and red and those ones are big and green." 

At school, we sometimes play a sorting game:  Guess My Sorting Rule!  One person starts sorting some items into 2 or 3 groups. The other players guess what the sorting rule(s) might be. You might enjoy playing it at home, too!

Happy Sorting!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

What's Going on in Our Class?

The Travels of Pete the Cat 
Starting Wednesday, October 2nd, our classroom friend, Pete the Cat, will be going home with a child from our class.  Pete is always happy to meet new people and try new things, and as he always says, "It's all good!"

Pete will be sent home with one child each Wednesday.  In Pete's bag, you will also find 3 books about Pete, and a scrapbook to record his adventures.  We ask that you return everything the following Monday so another child may enjoy Pete's company.

What Have We Been Doing in Math?
We have been getting to know each other the past few weeks by conducting all kinds of surveys and sorting ourselves into groups.  Here are some examples of our surveys:  Do you like pizza?;  Do you like milk?;  How many boys and how many girls are in our class?; and Which of these colours do you like the best:  red, yellow, blue, green, orange or purple? 
We have graphed the results of our surveys and sorting, and they are posted in the hallway outside our classroom.  The graphs become good starting points for discussions about what we have learned about each other and lead nicely into writing.