
Tuesday 1 October 2013

What's Going on in Our Class?

The Travels of Pete the Cat 
Starting Wednesday, October 2nd, our classroom friend, Pete the Cat, will be going home with a child from our class.  Pete is always happy to meet new people and try new things, and as he always says, "It's all good!"

Pete will be sent home with one child each Wednesday.  In Pete's bag, you will also find 3 books about Pete, and a scrapbook to record his adventures.  We ask that you return everything the following Monday so another child may enjoy Pete's company.

What Have We Been Doing in Math?
We have been getting to know each other the past few weeks by conducting all kinds of surveys and sorting ourselves into groups.  Here are some examples of our surveys:  Do you like pizza?;  Do you like milk?;  How many boys and how many girls are in our class?; and Which of these colours do you like the best:  red, yellow, blue, green, orange or purple? 
We have graphed the results of our surveys and sorting, and they are posted in the hallway outside our classroom.  The graphs become good starting points for discussions about what we have learned about each other and lead nicely into writing.


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