
Sunday 6 October 2013

School Bus Safety

On Friday, October 4th, the Kindergarten classes learned about School Bus Safety at Nellie McClung P.S.  We learned some very important lessons to keep us all safe whether we ride the bus every day or only on school trips. 

DON'T:  A guide to remembering some do's and don'ts around school buses

D is for don't be late, and don't run after the bus.

O is for stay on the sidewalk.  Stay 5 big steps away from the road.

N is for never go into the danger zones.  Don't go behind, beside or
    in front of the bus.  If you can't see the bus driver, he/she can't see

T is for tell the driver if you drop something.  Never try to get  
   something you dropped on your own.

We also had a chance to get on a school bus and learn how to stay safe on the bus.  We sit with our backs touching the seat, and we keep our feet out of the aisle.  In case of emergency, we can exit from any of the emergency exits.  On Friday, we practised exiting from the back door emergency exit.  Some grade 8 students helped us exit the bus and wait in a safe location.

This was good information for us because on October 23rd we're going to ride a school bus when we go on our field trip to Green Acres!


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