
Monday 29 September 2014

Meet the FDK Team & Curriculum Night

Just a friendly reminder...
Wednesday, October 1st is Curriculum Night at Nellie McClung P.S.!  We will be making two presentations in our classroom at 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm.  

To help with our planning, we will be sending home a very short survey today.  Please look for it in your child's communication bag.

We hope to see you Wednesday evening!

Sunday 28 September 2014

If Your Family Celebrates Rosh Hashannah...

Belated wishes to our families that celebrate Rosh Hashannah.  We hope you all had a Happy Rosh Hashannah, and we hope you all had a good start to the New Year!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Upcoming P.A. Day

Just a friendly reminder...
This coming Monday, September 22nd is a P.A. Day, and there is no school for students.  The teachers and staff will be at school in case you need to contact anyone.

Birthday Invitations

On Friday, September 19th, birthday invitations were sent home to all the students in our class.  The invitations are from Ashley.  There was a mix-up on my part, and some children may have received someone else's invitation.  If you received someone else's invitation, please ignore the error.  All the students in our class are invited to the party.  If your child did not receive an invitation (one was left at school), please let me know, and I will send it home on Tuesday.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Happy Sunday!

Hello everyone, and I hope you are all having a good weekend!  

Just a few items of information for the coming week: 
1.  Tomorrow, Monday, Sept. 15, is Day 5  on our school schedule.  Our class has gym on Day 5 with Mr. Raha.  If you have not already sent running shoes to keep at school for your child, please make sure your child has running shoes to wear in the gym tomorrow;
2.  Lice Checks:  On Tuesday and Wednesday, students will be getting their hair checked for lice in our school; 
3.  Your child may already have told you that Mrs. Mateo has been absent for a few days this past week.  Unfortunately, Mrs. Mateo is attending to a family illness and will be away for the next while.  Our thoughts and wishes are with Mrs. Mateo and her family, and we look forward to her return; and
4.  Lastly, Monday, Sept. 22 is a PA Day, i.e., Professional Activity Day.  There is no school for students.  The school staff will be in the building if you need to contact us for any reason.

Our First Visit to Mill Race Park
On Friday afternoon, we walked over to the new park to play on the equipment.  We had lots of fun, and most of us liked going to the park according to our class survey.  Some children even asked if we can go to the park everyday.

Ms. Guerriero took many photos, too. We like to use photos in our classroom to spark writing ideas.  We often send copies of the photos home as a souvenir of Kindergarten, too.    We hope you enjoy the photos.  (We don't post any identifiable photos of students on this Blog.)

Sunday 7 September 2014

Lost & Found and Upcoming Gym Day

Lost but Not Found, Yet

We found a couple of items of clothing in our class last week.  Unfortunately, no one recognized them.

Does this sweater and/or hat belong to your child?


Please let us know if one or both of these items belong to your child.

Gym Day
Our school schedule is now on a Day 1 to Day 5 cycle.  (On days that the students do not attend school e.g., a PA Day, it is a Day 0.)  
We will have use of the gym on Day 5.  Tomorrow, Monday, September 8th, is Day 5, and the first time that we will have use of the gym.  If your child does not have running shoes at school, yet, please have your child wear running shoes to school tomorrow.  Mr. Raha is the prep teacher for our class, and he will be taking the class to the gym. 

Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Start of a New School Year!

Hello to all our new students and their families, and 
welcome back to our returning students 
and their families!

Well, we did it!  We had a good first day of school despite all the rain we had today.  Hopefully, we will have better weather tomorrow, and we will be able to get outside for recess.

Your child brought home a 'communication bag' today filled with notes and forms from our class and school. We would appreciate it very much if you could complete the various forms and return them to school as soon as possible.

Thank you very much to the families who already sent extra clothes and running shoes to keep at school.  If you have not already done so, please send these items with your child as soon as possible.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder...
Please do not send snacks or lunches for your child that contain peanuts, nuts or nut products.  We have children in our class with allergies, and we would like everyone to be safe.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.  

As Pete the Cat says, "It's all good!"