
Sunday 7 September 2014

Lost & Found and Upcoming Gym Day

Lost but Not Found, Yet

We found a couple of items of clothing in our class last week.  Unfortunately, no one recognized them.

Does this sweater and/or hat belong to your child?


Please let us know if one or both of these items belong to your child.

Gym Day
Our school schedule is now on a Day 1 to Day 5 cycle.  (On days that the students do not attend school e.g., a PA Day, it is a Day 0.)  
We will have use of the gym on Day 5.  Tomorrow, Monday, September 8th, is Day 5, and the first time that we will have use of the gym.  If your child does not have running shoes at school, yet, please have your child wear running shoes to school tomorrow.  Mr. Raha is the prep teacher for our class, and he will be taking the class to the gym. 

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