
Tuesday 2 September 2014

The Start of a New School Year!

Hello to all our new students and their families, and 
welcome back to our returning students 
and their families!

Well, we did it!  We had a good first day of school despite all the rain we had today.  Hopefully, we will have better weather tomorrow, and we will be able to get outside for recess.

Your child brought home a 'communication bag' today filled with notes and forms from our class and school. We would appreciate it very much if you could complete the various forms and return them to school as soon as possible.

Thank you very much to the families who already sent extra clothes and running shoes to keep at school.  If you have not already done so, please send these items with your child as soon as possible.

Lastly, just a friendly reminder...
Please do not send snacks or lunches for your child that contain peanuts, nuts or nut products.  We have children in our class with allergies, and we would like everyone to be safe.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.  

As Pete the Cat says, "It's all good!"

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