
Sunday 12 October 2014

What's Been Happening in Math?

Math:  Surveys, Graphing and Sorting

As we have been getting to know each other, we have been surveying our class and graphing the results of our surveys.  You may have noticed some of our graphs posted in and outside our room during Curriculum Night.  Here are some of the surveys we did:  How Many Letters are in Your Name?;  How Many Words are in Your Name?;  and What is Your Favourite Colour?

When our graphs are complete, we examine them and discuss the results.  What did we find out?  The students' observations are recorded and posted along with the graphs.

Here is one of the graphs we created:

(photo will be added soon...Ms. G. forgot to take a photo on Friday.)


We have also been learning about sorting in math.  The children have been sorting various collections of objects and learning how to describe the attribute (e.g., size, shape, colour, etc.) they used to sort the objects.

Here are a few photos of some of the sorting done in our class:

There are lots of opportunities for your child to sort objects at home as well.  Have your child help with sorting and putting away laundry (e.g., socks, towels, t-shirts, etc.). When your child is cleaning up his/her toys/books/craft supplies/etc., ask him/her how is he/she sorting the objects?  Talk to your child about how you use sorting in your life to keep things organized.


We'll be focusing on patterning next in math.  We'll be identifying, creating, reproducing and extending repeating patterns.  We'll also be learning how to describe the patterns. (Stay tuned to our Blog for photos of our patterns, too.)

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