
Tuesday 12 January 2016

Happy New Year!

It's already January 12th!  Sorry for the belated New Year wishes.  We hope the New Year has started well for you and your family!

Just a few friendly reminders:

  • Friday, Jan. 15th is a PA Day.  There is no school for the children on Friday.  The staff will be in the school if you need to contact anyone.                                                                                                                                       
  • We love to play in the snow, and sometimes we get wet.  Please make sure your child has extra socks at school.  You may want to place a baggie with a few pairs of socks in your child's backpack.  Please label the baggie with your child's name.  Also, let your child know that he/she has extra socks in his/her backpack.                                                                                     
  • Lastly, please label your child's outdoor clothing with his/her name.  We have a number of students with very similar mittens/hats/snow pants/etc., and it is sometimes difficult to identify which items belong to which student.

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