
Thursday 28 January 2016

The 100th Day of School is Approaching

The   100th   Day   of   School
Written  by  the  Kindergarten  Class  in  Room  110 - Wed., Jan. 27, 2016

We  are  going  to  celebrate  the  100th  day  of  school!  Today  is  the  86th  day  of  school.  Just  14  more  days  until  the  100th  day!  We  will be  celebrating  the  100th  day  of  school  on  Wednesday,  February  17th.

Each school day, the Helper colours one of the cirlcles, and we record the number.  We have noticed many patterns as we count and record the numbers.

Mrs. Mateo  and  Ms. Guerriero  told  us  that  if  we  want  to,  we  can  bring  a  100  collection  to  school to celebrate the 100th day.  Here  are  some  ideas  we  thought  of  for  the  100  collections:
  • 100  marshmallows/candy/cheerios
  • 100  beads
  • 100  hair  elastics
  • 100  words/letters  (you can cut out the words/letters from magazines or newspapers if  you  want  to)
  • 100  clocks  (or  pictures  of  clocks  or  pictures  of  other  things  you  like)
  • 100  Shopkins/figurines
  • 100  leaves
  • 100  stickers
  • 100  pennies
  • 100  cars/dinosaurs/Lego pieces/shells
  • 100  piece  puzzle
  • 100  boxes

Please  note,  your  child  can  bring  the  actual  items  to  school  or  a  photo  of  the  collection.  Please  help  your  child  organize  the  collection  so  that  it  is  easy  to  count  the  100  pieces.  For  example,  you  may  want  to help your child sort and/or group the  collection into groups of  5,  10  or  20  items.  Your child can place each group in a baggie in order to easily transport and display the collection of 100.  

Your  child  may  bring  his/her  100  collection  to  school  starting  next  week.   If you have any questions/concerns, please contact us.

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