
Sunday 30 October 2016

The Coming Week ...

Round the Bend Farm

We had a great time at Round the Bend Farm last Wednesday. It was a cool, crisp fall day, but all the children were dressed for the weather. Most of the class had a good time, according to our class survey, and hopefully our parent volunteers also enjoyed themselves.  A big thank you to the parent volunteers for helping us have a successful day!

The children helped the farmer pick some vegetables.  It was interesting to see what the vegetables look like when they are first picked compared to what they look like by the time we see them at grocery stores.  (In the photo, you can see how big a broccoli plant is before it is trimmed.)

At school this coming week, we'll be making soup with most of the vegetables.  (We'll use organic vegetable based boullion cubes for the soup stock.)  We are also going to taste kale 'chips', roasted beets and roasted pumpkin seeds.  It should be a yummy week ahead!

Hallowe'en Plans

As you are probably aware, we'll be attending the Fall Dance Monday morning.  The Fall Dance is organized by the Grade 8 classes as a fundraiser for their end-of-year graduation activities.  Each student is asked to donate $2 for the dance.  In addition, treats will be on sale at the dance:  sour keys and ring pops, $1 each, and cookies, $2 each. If your child is allowed to buy some treats at the dance, please send the money in a labelled envelope.

Students are allowed to wear their Hallowe'en costumes to/at school.  Please do not send any masks or weapons (e.g., swords, guns, etc.) to school.  It would be helpful to have your child wear his/her regular clothes under the costume so they can easily change later in the morning.  

Image result for cute halloween costumes clipart

Monday 24 October 2016

Wednesday is Farm Trip Day

Just two more big sleeps until our trip to Round the Bend Farm! Here are a few reminders about our trip:

  1. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather on Wednesday.  The children thought it was funny, but we suggested that they might want to wear their pajama bottoms under their pants to help them stay warm at the farm;
  2. We will eat our snacks before we leave around 10:30, and we'll have lunch when we return around 2:00.  Please make sure your child has a substantial snack to eat on Wednesday.  E.g.s, a sandwich; cheese, crackers and fruit; a slice of pizza, etc.; 
  3. Please remember to send a plastic shopping bag labelled with your child's name to school on Wednesday.  Your child will be bringing home a small pumpkin from the farm.

                            Image result for round the bend farm

If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment here.

Monday 17 October 2016

Eye See ... Eye Learn

Image result for child wearing glasses clipart

You may be surprised to learn that 1 in 4 students has an undetected vision problem that can significantly impact his/her ability to learn.  The program, Eye See...Eye Learn, offers free glasses to any JK students who need them.  Eye examinations are covered through OHIP for all students under the age of 19.

Go to the link below to find out how to get free (OHIP covered) eye exams for your JK child:

Monday 10 October 2016

Super Sorters

In Math, we have been working on learning how to sort sets of objects and describe how we sorted.  There are many ways that we can sort things, animals and people.  Often, we ask a survey question (e.g., do you like fall?) and sort ourselves based on our answers (e.g., 'yes', 'sort of' or 'no').

We use sorting everyday at school and home to help us get or stay organized.  For e.g., putting away laundry, putting away toys, filing papers, etc.  Here are a few photo examples of how some children have recently sorted sets of objects at school:

Sorting Beads by shape and colour by A.

Sorting coins by colour by B. and M.

Sorting shells by size by J.

Sorting planes by colour by B.

Home-School Connection:
You can encourage your child to sort at home, too.  E.g., Have your child help with sorting and matching socks on laundry day.  Encourage your child to describe how he/she sorted the socks.  E.g., 'I like the way you are sorting the clothes.  Why did you put all these socks together?'  
Sometimes we find that young children are able to complete a sorting task but may need some help to find the words to describe what they are doing.  If this is the case for your child, help them out by describing what you see him/her doing.  E.g., 'You're doing a great job of sorting the socks by colour.  You put all the black socks together and all the white socks together.'

Help your child notice and talk about the sorting he/she sees all around them.  A trip to the grocery store is a wonderful place to notice how items are sorted and organized.  As you have your child tidy-up, talk about the various ways he/she is sorting toys/books/art supplies.  E.g., find all your cars and put them in this bin.  I like the way you organized your crayons and markers.

Here is a link to a Youtube clip about sorting that you might enjoy watching with your child:  
Peep and the Big Wide World Season 2 Episode 17 - Peep and the Big Wide World "Chirp Sorts it Out"

Saturday 8 October 2016

Thanksgiving Wishes and a few other reminders...

We hope you and your family are enjoying the long weekend together.  Here are a few reminders for the upcoming week:  

  1. Tuesday, October 11th:  Blue Jay Spirit Day ... wear your Blue Jay gear or blue/white to show your support for the Blue Jays.
  2. Thursday, October 13th:  Photo Day ... we will be having our school photos taken on Thursday.  
  3. Wednesday, October 26:  Trip to Round the Bend Farm.  If you have not already done so, please visit School Cash Online to give consent and pay for the trip.  Click/tap here for the link to School Cash Online. 

Image result for thanksgiving
We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend together! 

Sunday 2 October 2016

October is Here...

Happy October 2nd!  Where did September go?  Fall is here, and the weather is definitely cooler.  It felt like we went from summer to fall over night!  Speaking of weather ... if you haven't already done so, please send a pair of running shoes for your child to keep at school as his/her 'indoor shoes'.  

Some Thank You's:

Trip to Safety Village 

We had a great day at Safety Village, and we learned a lot about burn prevention, what to do in case of a fire, and community helpers like firefighters and police officers. We posted some photos from the trip outside our classroom.  

One of the reasons for the success of our trip were the parent and grandparent volunteers who were able to accompany us. Thank you all very much for your help and support.     You helped us have a great day!

Curriculum Night

We had a great turnout on Thursday night for our school's curriculum night.  The children appeared to have a great time, and hopefully, they were able to show you some of the things/activities that they like to do during the day.  We also hope that you left with a better idea about what your child does during the day at school.  

Image result for ontario kindergarten curriculumAs you may already know, the Kindergarten curriculum was very recently revised.  In fact, we just received our hard copies of the curriculum a couple of weeks ago.  If you are interested in reading the curriculum, here is a link to the Ministry of Education's site:  
Kindergarten Curriculum 2016

Terry Fox Walk - Sept. 30th

On Friday, our school held its 6th annual Terry Fox Walk/Run in support of the Terry Fox Foundation.  We set a goal of raising $1000, and we surpassed our goal.  Our school raised almost $1200!  If you were able to make a donation, thank you very much!  If you haven't already done so, you may still make a donation online at:  Donations for Terry Fox Foundation.

Last, but not least ...

If your family is celebrating Rosh Hashanah, we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year!    

Image result for rosh hashanah 2016